•no means no•

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the next day..

12:24 PM

•Jesika's Point Of View•

I groaned as I heard light pounding on the door. This has better not be Dorian I told him that I didn't want to be bothered by anyone. I forced myself out of the bed.

My knees felt like they were going to give in as I still felt drunk from the night before. I tumbled on my feet and held my balance and made my way to the door.

I scratched my messy bun and sighed. I opened it.


I gasped as I saw the familiar figure before me. My eyes stretched as I looked him up and down quickly.

He had his arms folded while shaking his head.

I looked down at my feet nervously and avoided eye contact.

"S-So may I come in?"

"Ohh of course."

I said opening the door more allowing him to come inside.

He stepped inside. My eyes followed his every move as he looked around observing my small apartment.

I wanted so badly to jump on him and tell him how much I missed him. But, he already looks pissed and I'm still mad at him.

"Well this is nice." He complimented.

"Yeah thanks." I pulled down my shorts and fixed my tank top on my body.

I went in the kitchen and searched for my bottle of Hennessy.

I started to put my lips on the opening of the bottle until I felt a strong force. It was Michael pulling the bottle out of my hand.

"That is enough. You've had way too many last night."

Ok, so that makes me mad. Who does he think he is. He is not my father. I am grown and can do what I want.

"Michael please don't come up here trying to control me. What are you even doing here?"

"Are you kidding me? Are you seriously asking me what I'm doing here?"

He said slamming the bottle hardly on the island.

"I came over so that we could work things out. But it's clear you already have things figured out."

I scoffed and walked past him and climbed back in bed. I pulled the covers up to my chest and stared up at the ceiling with my lips pouted.

"Hello Jesika? How are you? I'm doing great. Thanks for making me feel welcomed since I've got here. Thanks for inviting me inside. Offering me a drink. Something to eat. Thank you so much."

He said sarcastically while sitting on the edge of my bed.

I sighed and looked down.

"What do you want from me huh?"

Michael looked down and sighed deeply with his eyes closed.

"You know what? It was a bad idea coming here. It really was. You're always complaining about not seeing me. Now that I'm here. You give me your ass to kiss. Are you kidding me? You're not even happy to see me. I didn't get a kiss or a hug, nothing. I can't believe you had me waste my fucking time. Way to go girl."

He said while getting up from the bed.

"Michael wait." I screamed helplessly.

"We Are Just Friends"Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant