" can't be good "

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1:12 AM

*Michael's Point Of View*

I burped and rubbed my stomach after drinking some Coca Cola while watching television. My eyes were starting to get heavy until Shana's visit came across my mind again.

Turns out she's dating a professor at the same school as me. I can't get over the fact that she's pregnant and married. I'm so happy for her.

I've always wanted that kind of life with Jesika.

I still do.

But we have problems that needs to be fixed.

I need to make time to talk to her. All of this is just driving me crazy.

*phone rings*

I jumped at the sound of the ring and leaned over and picked up.

"Yes, hello?"

I said tiredly.

"Is Michael Joseph Jackson available to speak?"

I furrowed my brows and looked from side to side.

"Who wants to know?"

"This is regarding Jesika Golden. My name is Hayden Evans calling from Bon Secours Hospital."

My heart began racing and my hands and knees were shaking too.

"W-what's going on?"

"I can't give out any details over the phone. However, she put you down as an emergency contact."

"I-is she still there?"

"Yes she's -"

I hung up and ran for my car keys and ran out the house. I hate not knowing what's going on or what happened.

I know it can't be good.

I have to get there and get there now.


Bon Secours Hospital

*Jesika's Point Of View*

"Honey look at you."

Daisy said while consoling me.

My face suffered a good bit of bruises from the shattered glass. I look so ugly.

I got cuts on my forehead, both my cheekbones, my chin. My knuckles are cut. My arms suffered some cuts too.

I'm in pain. The doctor had to clean out my wounds. It hurt pretty badly.

I begged for the cops to check out my home. I am terrified of going home. What if that person is waiting for me. Just to finish their job.

I know their job is to kill me. I still don't know what for.

I haven't told my mom about tonight. I would hate to stress her out over this. She's going through enough.

"You know you can stay with me right?"

Daisy offered.

I forced a smile and nodded.

"Yes thank you. I wouldn't mind -"

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