"black jaguar"

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*pic above is Shana*

**Michael's Point Of View**

I came from the grocery store after picking up a few things that was needed in the kitchen. My mobile vibrated against my leg. I sighed and set down my brown bags on the counter and pulled my phone out.


"Hey baby, what you doing?"

I smiled at the sweet and gentle voice on the other line.

"Mother, hey. I'm just getting in from the grocery store. Are you okay? Did you fly home safe?"

She giggled on the other line.

"Yes, baby I did. I've been calling you. Did you get my calls?"

I took a deep breath and nodded.


"Well, I'm not mad at you. I know you need some time after what happened."

I folded my lips and nodded trying not to choke up on the other line. I still feel horrible. But what's done is done.

"Yeah, thanks for understanding. I just needed time. I'm sorry we couldn't spend anytime together. When you come down again I promise we will hang out. It's been so long."

"Yeah I know baby. We will. Well that Jesika still is pretty."

My mother hinted while giggling afterwards.

I couldn't help but smile.

"She's still sweet like I remember. It was so good seeing her again. I missed her so much. We should all get together when I get back."

"Yeah mom, that'll be great."


"Well, have you spoken to Shana yet?"

"No I haven't."

I said sighing causing my chest to heave.

"I rather not. I know she hates me. I know her family does too. I didn't mean for it to happen this way. Never intended it either. I just wasn't ready. I couldn't do it, and live a lie again. I did it with Renee. I'm not going to do it again."

"Michael, I don't know if you are willing to open up to me. But, I know apart of this has something to do with Jesika. I just feel it."

My brows furrowed as I rested my back on my refrigerator.

"What do you mean?"

"Michael, you don't have to admit it. But I know. I saw the way you looked at her. I'm sure everyone did too. You still love her Michael. And that's okay. It is."

I closed my eyes and sighed.

"I've tried so hard to stop loving her. I tried erasing her from my mind. My heart. My memories. I tried to tell myself that we are just friends and that's all we will ever be. But it's so hard. It's so hard not to think of the past. And think about what we shared."

"I know. Just admit it you have unresolved feelings for her. You have to tell her. It's the only way your heart will be at ease with her."

I sighed.

"I don't know how I feel anymore. I'm just confused. I told her I wanted to talk to her after work. I wanted to express my feelings and how much I still love her. But then apart of me, doesn't even want to waste my breath. Because she tried the same thing with me and I turned her down. I don't want the same with me."

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