" he loved me first "

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**Michael's Point Of View**


The strong beam from the sun awoke me. I rolled over on my side to check on Jesika but she wasn't there. I sighed and laid on my back while rubbing my eyes. I got up and looked around for her. I found her sitting in the living room with a blanket wrapped around her. She was staring at the walls. "Jesika?" I called.

She looked back and gave me a half smile. "Hey." She said quietly. I raised my brow in concern. "Are you okay?" I asked. "Yeah. Couldn't sleep that's all." She said shrugging before turning her head around. I sighed and took a seat with her on the couch. "Still worried about yesterday?" She nodded slowly while looking down.

"Yeah. I just wish I knew who would want to harm me. I don't bother anyone. I don't understand." I shifted my body closer to her and reached for her hand. "Jesika, you know I'm always going to be here. I'm not going to let anything happen to you. You know that." - "Yeah I know. But I'm not your problem and neither is this. I don't want to involve you in this at all." She explained. She looked down and shook her head.

"Jesika look at me." I told her while lifting her face with my free hand. She did as said and pulled her eyes to mines. "You are my responsibility ok? You will always be apart of me. I will do what I have to do to keep you safe. Even if that means something happening to me too. I will not let anyone harm you. We vowed a long time ago to be there for one another no matter what. I owe it to you." Tears came streaming down her face.

"Ohh Michael." She cried. "I love you." I told her. "I love you too." She said. I pulled her close to me and hugged her tightly.

| Cobblestone High School |

11:30 AM

Today is my first day at the school and I have to say I am actually excited. It's only been a week that I have been away from the kids. I know I complained at first of how much hell they gave me but being away from them and all that. Has made me realize how much I really should cherish that.

What job is easy. Right. At the end of the day I love my kids. I hope to have some of my own one day. That would really be something if I became a father. I want that really, really bad. I guess I'll have to see what the future holds.


The bell rung for lunchtime. I told everyone they could leave and expect to learn a new song afterwards. I went to my office to grab my sheet of music to head to the faculty room to copy and print my music. As I was leaving out I saw Brittany sitting in the room alone. She was in the chair with her arms folded.

I'm guessing she just came in because she wasn't here with the students earlier. Typical her. I see some things never change. "Umm, Britt. What are you doing here?" She sighed and shook her head. I could finally see something was bothering her. She seemed so down. I took a seat next to her and asked what was wrong.

She kept her eyes to the ground and ignored again. "Come on Britt, I'm just trying to help. Talk to me. Please." - "You wouldn't understand." I scoffed and looked up and down. "Girl, you're telling me a grown man that I wouldn't understand. I'm sure I've been through some of your experiences. Seeing that I am older." Her blue eyes met mines, and she smirked a bit. "You're not old Jackson." She said softly. I blushed and looked down as we sat in silence.

I could still feel her eyes on me. I looked up and she looked away. I cleared my throat and positioned myself straight in the chair. "So talk to me what's wrong?" I asked her. "It's too embarrassing." She said. "Come on. I won't tell anyone." I promised, while nudging my elbow on hers. She looked at me and then looked down shamefully. "I know I've been giving you a hard time and I'm sorry. I'm just going through a lot right now." " "A lot like what?" " "A lot at home and my love life." I smirked when she mentioned love.

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