she means what she says..

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**Michael's Point Of View**

"Come on I know someone knows something. Paper doesn't have feet. Who has my lyric book?" I asked my students. Trying not to get too upset. They all sat in silence and looked around at one another. I sighed and rolled my eyes. "Okay fine. Detention for the whole class until I find my lyric book." The students pleaded and whined. "Ohh no don't speak now. You all had your chance!" - "Ugh Brittany give it back to him. It's clear he doesn't find this funny." Danny said while sitting next to her. My brows raised when he said that. How could they think this was a joke. I don't play around when it comes to my personal stuff.. At all. "Brittany hand it here." She smirked and reached down for her backpack. She unzipped it and handed me the book.

I scoffed when I saw my marble notebook on the grip of her fingertips. I can't believe this girl. "Give me that. What is wrong with you?" She rolled her eyes and threw it at me. I caught it before it fell on the floor. She pushed her hair out of her face and folded her arms and looked me up and down. "This wasn't funny at all guys, I am very disappointed in you all. Starting today after school you all will be reported to Ms. Kleins classroom to serve detention for a whole week. I'm calling all of your parents to let them know." The students huffed and puffed. A few even sucked their teeths. I sighed and stormed down to my office.

I flopped down on my desk chats and took a deep breath. After making my rounds of calls. I picked up my phone to dial Shana. Strangely, it wasn't a dial tone.





"Ohh hey. I was just about to call you."

"Ohh." Giggles. So what's up what are you doing today?"

"I'm meeting Jesika after this. To do some more planning. I almost forgot to tell you."

"Ohh. Ok. Where are you going?"


"Expensive outing? Don't you think?" She said between giggles.

"Yeah I know, I'm just in the mood for their food. I'll be home right after."

"Great. I'll see you then."

"Okay bye."

"I love you."

"I love you too Shana."

I smiled and hung up.

I heard my door open and looked up to see Brittany walking inside my office. She smirked and closed the door behind her. I lifted a brow and leaned back in the chair while folding my arms. "Umm. Can I help you with something?" I asked. She bit her lower lip and stepped a bit closer to my desk while pushing her red hair out of her face. "As a matter of fact you can. I'm not going to be able to do detention this week, I kinda have plans and a life." I scoffed and rolled my eyes. I can't believe my ears. This girl has some nerve. "Well, sorry to hear that. But you will have to suffer the consequences just like everyone else. Your plans have been delayed."

She scoffed back and rolled her eyes too. "No sorry for you, I won't be going." - "Brittany let's not do this today ok? Please be cooperative like everyone else." - "And what are you gonna do for me if I do cooperate?" - "Excuse me?" She chuckled and bit her lip. "You heard me." I sighed and stood up from my desk. "Understand your position young lady. I am the adult and you are the child ok? You have to respect me." - "Ohh I should respect someone who writes songs about ladies turning him on?" - "Pardon?" - "Your lyric book Jackson. Page 8, The Way You Make Me Feel." I blinked my eyes in disbelief did she really read all of my songs. Some are private, and does disclose sensual feelings and things about the way a woman makes me feel. I wonder how much more she read.

"We Are Just Friends"Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon