" tempting "

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**play YouTube song**

Sunday morning..

9:12 AM

I stood in the mirror and placed my hair in a messy bun. I pulled down my half top and fixed my sweat pants.

I ran downstairs and made some coffee. I drunk some. I finally realized I left my walk man at Pauline's.


Whatever I can do without it.

I set my coffee down and left my kitchen and was on my way to my morning jog.

I opened my front door and saw Michael bent over with my walkman in his hand.

I gasped and stood frozen while my heart raced.

I looked in his eyes. He looked in mines.

He finally stood up with my walk man in his hand.

"U-umm Pauline wanted me to give you this."

"So you'd just leave it outside my door?"

"Well I didn't want to wake you."

I furrowed my brows and looked him up and down.

I knew that was a lie.

I handed for my walk man. He placed it in my hand.

I looked over him then back in his eyes.

"Can we talk?"

He asked.

"About what?"

I asked while folding my arms.

He sighed and looked down.

"I don't think you and Pauline should be friends. It wouldn't be appropriate."

I lifted a brow and stood stunned.

Who the hell is he?

"Inappropriate for you? Or her?"


He answered quickly, while looking me up and down.

I could tell he was still very angry at me. It was evident in his eyes, his tone, and his body language.

"Tuh .. Umm. Why don't you leave her with that decision? I'll back off if she says so."

"Please don't make this difficult. I understand what she's done for you. I'm sure she means you well. But, I don't want you two around each other."

I pulled my door closed as my nose flared.

"Listen. You are not my father. You will not tell me who I can and can't hang around with. Who do you think you are?"

"I'm trying to help you ok? Help you from hurting yourself. You are my past. I plan to keep it that way."

"That's all I am to you?"

"We Are Just Friends"Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant