• one and only, you are •

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•Jesika's Point Of View•

I gasped and cornered my eyes at him hardly. His lips formed into a smile. His sugared curls smelled good from afar. They fell across his face perfectly. He looked really, really good. But I'm really, really mad at him so he needs to get lost.  "Can I sit here?" He asked between giggles. My nose flared as I folded my arms. "Michael what are you doing here?" I asked unpleasantly. "Come on girl, you know I'm here to see you." He said softly while squinting his eyes. My eyes followed his every move as he pulled the chair out and sat beside me. I swallowed hard and grew loss for words. I am impressed by his strong effort but I don't think I can be around him right now.

I'm still hurt and I feel like a fool. "Baby you look really nice tonight I love what you have on. Gray looks so good on you. I love how you curled your hair tonight too. Your lips looks extra yummy with red on it." I blushed hardly as my cheeks burned. "Michael .. Stop." I said between giggles. He bit his lip and grabbed my hand. He stroked his thumb across my knuckles and stared through me. His stare seemed so apologetic and so sincere but I can't help but to be scared of him right now.

We have been through so much together. He is one of the most important things in my life and I love him so much. But, I can't stop replaying that morning in my head. It plays in my mind over and over again. I took a deep breath and pulled my hand away. "W-What's wrong?" He asked worriedly while lifting his brows. "H-How'd you know I was here?" I asked. His lips formed into a huge grin exposing those perfect wrinkles in the corners of his gorgeous, big brown eyes. "How do you think?" He asked before tucking his lip into his teeth. I rolled my eyes and grabbed my glass and took a sip out of my drink. He wouldn't pull his eyes off of me. The slow song that played in the background made me think of all of our good times before this all happened.

I was tempted to crash my lips against his. But, I couldn't bring myself to do it. His hand reached for my face and he rubbed my cheekbone with his big thumb. Gosh, why does he have to do this? Why here? Why now? He knows what this does to me. He squinted his eyes again and began stroking my hair with his free hand. "You wanna get out of here?" He whispered. My body shivered and he noticed. He smirked and licked his lips. "I can't." I said weakly. I cleared my throat and straightened my body in the chair and repeated myself sounding much stronger. "Why not?" " "I'm here with Daisy. Tonight is girls night." " "But, I want to spend time with you tonight." " "Michael I don't know if I'm ready for all that right now. Have you forgotten?" I told him.

He looked down and sighed. He nodded slowly and kept his eyes to the ground. I sighed and placed my hand on his shoulder. "I don't hate you okay?" His eyes began to water and he sighed again. "I can't tell.." He said brokenly. "Michael I don't. I just .. Need .. Time." He lifted his eyes to mines and furrowed his brows. "Time for what? I told you nothing happened with me and that girl. What kind of person do you think I am?" He said defensively. I looked down then back at him. "I don't know who you are anymore. So much has changed." " "Jesi you really think I would sleep with one of my students?"

I swallowed hard and nodded slowly. "No." " "Ok, so then what's wrong? Why can't we be together?" " "Michael I don't trust you anymore. That trust died that morning." " "But.. You just said -" " "I know what I said .. But .. I don't ..  I'm just confused okay? I need time to think." I explained. "Jesika don't do this okay? I'm going crazy without you. I need you .. Please." He begged while grabbing my face and going in for a kiss. Just as I was about to lock lips with his. That moment he was lying in bed with those hickeys all over his neck and upper body appeared in my mind.

I pushed him away preventing the kiss. "Michael don't." I begged. He sighed and ran his fingers in his curls and grew irritable. "Damn it Jesi. Nothing happened. Why can't you understand that?" He said while staring me in the eyes deeply. I swallowed hard and licked the cracks of my lips. We stared in silence. His hand crept under my legs as they found my buttocks. My body tingled and I began throbbing. "I miss your soft body pressed against mines. Why don't you come home with me?" He said deeply while pressing his head on mines. I closed my eyes and shook my head. "No I told you I can't." I whispered weakly.

"We Are Just Friends"Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora