" want you to want me.. "

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*photo above is Jesika (left) and Daisy (right)

*Jesika's Point Of View*

Ye Ole Fashioned

~3 weeks later~

I sighed and stared at the banana split in front of me. I observed every melt that dropped on my napkin that was underneath it. "Earth back to Jesika.." I soon heard Daisy say. I blinked my eyes several times and looked up at her.

I tilted my head and stretched my lips. "I'm sorry. I'm being so rude." " "No don't be. I dragged you out of the house. I knew you weren't really up for it." I sighed and stared down at my lap while playing with my fingers. I nodded and fought back tears.

It's been three weeks since I've learned the devastating news about my mom. I thought by the days I would be able to cope with it. But my moods haven't changed at all.
I just like being alone. I work, visit my mom, and cry for the remainder of my evening at my home.

I have been avoiding Dorian for weeks now. I don't answer his calls or open my door when he stops by. I ignore Michael too. I just need my space from everything and everyone. I don't want anyone around. I just like it when it's just me.

I'm here with Daisy well because she's my best friend and I know how badly she wanted to hang out today and make me smile. She hates seeing me like this. I do too. She reached for my hand and grabbed it.

A tear fell out as I wiped it away quickly. "Ohh honey I know it's hard. I can't imagine what you're going through. But, you will get through this." I sighed and rolled my eyes. "Why does everyone keep saying that. I'm not going to."

"Yes you will honey. With time you will.." I sniffled and nodded. "Yeah, okay." Deep down I knew I wouldn't.

*Michael's Point Of View*

I took a deep breath as Mike Jr and I walked around the park in the neighborhood. We were walking hand in hand as I took a deep breath and looked around at our surroundings.


"Yes baby."

"Umm.. Can we go on the swings again?"

"We sure can buddy. But I just wanted to talk with you first."

"Ok daddy."

"Come sit with me."

We took a seat on the park bench. Mike Jr smiled and looked at me attentively.

I took a deep breath and ran my fingers through his curls. My eyes watered and I swallowed hard.

I've been keeping a secret from him for the longest I think it's time I'm honest with him since he's getting older and more wiser.

I sniffled and held back tears.

"Remember how I told you mommy was on a trip, and would be gone for awhile?"


He said softly while looking down.

"I miss mommy."

I looked up in the sky and took a deep breath.

"I miss her too Michael. I miss her a lot. That's what I need to talk to you about."

I picked him up and sat him on my lap. He stared in my eyes.

"Mommy is in heaven now. She will be there for a very long time."

He gasped and blinked his eyes repeatedly.

"Wait, that's where people go when they die daddy."

"Yes and in this case she has baby."

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