18. What Mine is Mine

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Inside the Min pack territory, things happen busily. Except pups, each and every one of the pack gives their contribution for at least one thing.

Lots of other packs in the west sent their most skilled forces along with their higher rank army officers to the min pack as the backup forces for their support.

All those backup forces were camped around the Min military base.

Of course, Min pack consists of the best soldiers thanks to their extreme and well-developed training programmes for years.

So these days Min pack including all the other backup forces from other packs, combined together to exercise and reviewing their skills.

At Min residence.

Yoongi took a hot bath to freshen up before he leaves for today's work. These days he is busy more than the word "busy" actually can explain.

His head is filled with so many things in these days.
Because as the pack leader, he has so many things to pay attention.
He should monitor all the
training including newly joined army training and revision training, at the same time he has to discuss and finalize the final military plans with all the front line generals and commanders.

Not only that he has to care about their guest forces who camped around the military base were well treated with their necessaries.

While taking mental notes about today's work plan he dressed up with his training attire by making sure to place all knee and arm guards necessarily.

Once he came downstairs his eyes placed on the busy jimin who move here and their busily.

Jimin looks likes he is in a rush cause he continuously checking the kitchen clock.

Yoongi's pov

I took my morning coffee placed on the dining table and went to the kitchen.

Jimin is wearing an oversized T-shirt along with some loose sweatpants. He is adorable with his messy bed hair.

Silently I took steps to him to play a little prank. Then I heard he mumbling in a worried tone.

"Oh my god I am late, it's already 7 am. What should I do !?. I have only made rice I haven't enough time to make side dishes what should I do. He must be ready now."

He is cutting some vegetables in a hurry while mumbling to himself.

I don't understand why he looks so scared like he had done a grave mistake.

Putting the prank aside I clear my throat to let him know my presence.
He quickly turns into my side.

Good morning did you sleep well ? I ask by smiling at him.

Yes hyung, I am so sorry I wake up late in the morning so I couldn't make it before 7. I'll be quick don't leave without having breakfast, I'll make sure to be really quick, just give me 10 minutes.

By saying that he again turn to the pantry and starts cutting the vegetables.

Jimin pov

He is treating me nicely. I can't remember even once he scolds me for this past two weeks.
We are doing really well now. But it doesn't mean I can be careless with my responsibilities. As the pack alpha, I know he has too many things to care about.
He doesn't have time to waste.

Nowadays he usually takes his breakfast at 7 cause he has to leave work really early.

When I work up today it's already 6. 20 in the morning.
I didn't have enough time to arrange a full breakfast.

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