he surprised you (going home)

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You were laying on the bed, staring at your phone it's almost midnight. You stared at the picture of Jaehyun on your phone, waiting for him to call. Every night he always calls, he never missed a call, but tonight you were getting worried. You messaged him, but no reply. You bit your nails, concern. 

" Why aren't you calling?" you yawned. Trying to stay up, because you always expect him to call and tell everything that happened that day. He always makes sure he hears your voice.

You stared at your conversation, and for a moment you didn't notice your eyes was slowly-


You felt a strong arm around your side. It was familiar, someone was hugging you at the back as you lay down. You turn around and see Jaehyun sleeping. You were surprised. You didn't expect that he's here. His eyes were close, you missed his smell and his crimson lips. 

" Jae," you whispered, holding his face. Slightly tearing up, because you really missed him.

You reached for his cheeks, and secretly kissing him on the lips. He pulled you, even more, kissing you back. He brushes your hair, as he kissed you. Like it was never before, he really did miss you.

You smiled before pulling him away.

" I thought you didn't have-"

" Of course I will do anything for my Y/n," before kissing you on the forehead.

You snuggled up closer at him, pulling him closer to you. You can feel every breath he take.

"You miss me?" He asked, teasing you.

" Yeah," you answered, honestly.

" Good, I miss you too, " he said, with his deep morning voice.

" Hey, didn't you get a good sleep?" you asked concerned, looking at him. You saw his dimple and a sweet smile flashed at you.

" Why? My bab's worried?" he teased.

You rolled your eyes, slightly blushing. You miss this Jaehyun.

" No, I'm not worried," you said sarcastically.

" Okay, okay, why so heartless," he pulled you again in a hug, it was so tight that you can't even breathe. You were about to complain but his touch makes you feel weak. 

" Now, I'm gonna have my good sleep," he said, before kissing you on a kiss, with his smirk on his lips.

You shrugged with your playful smile before pulling his shirt.


i apologize for the short imagines, but I'll try my best to update. been lacking some ideas... so be patient with me


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