Sickness and in Health

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"Hey..Don't You have practice today?"I ask and sat on his lap giving him a sweet kiss on the lips..

We're here at the living room sitting on the couch.

It's morning.And today I planned to go to the clinic.

I need to get a checkedup.

He kissed me back.

"Well,I was..but.."he cut looking down.

I studied him.And lifted his chin up.

I gave him a huge smile.Brushing his hair.He closed his eyes.

"But?"I asked innocently.

He opened his eyes and it stayed on mine.Holding my face.

"I want to take care of you.."he stroked my cheeks.

I gave him a thankful smile.

"Jae...I'll be alright.."

I stood up,getting up;getting ready for his practice.

"We should get ready.."I whispered.Stretching up.

"We?"he stood up cheekily.

There he goes again..

I hate when his cheeky.

"Shut up.I mean you should get ready."I started to walk away.

"Well I'll catch you for sure.."he began.

I turn to him.He always like to pla;chasing me all around the room.

"Yah!stop it"I began to run.

He chase me around the room.

"I'll catch you."he shouted.

I giggle.

But then I stole running.And looked at Jaehyun.The pain appeared again.In my chest.

I clutched my chest.And screamed.

"Y/n."he went to me.

"What's wrong?"he asked worried.

I can't breathe.I gave him a sign. But I can't clearly say it.

But then he ran going somewhere.I calmed myself.

Just breathe..

"Here."he ran to me.Leading me to rhe couch.He faced me.Giving me an inhaler.He helped me use the inhaler.

I watched him.Inhale and exhale.

"Breathe.."he said calmly.I held his hand and breathed calmly.

I didn't tell him about my lungs.

Once I breathed okay.

I looked down.

I'm in trouble not telling him.

"How did you know?"I whispered looking at the inhaler in my hand.

He stayed silent for a while.

"The day after you went to the clinic.."he answered.

My eyes stayed on my hand.

I know its selfish not to tell him..

"I know its selfish not to tell you..I just don't want you to be worried..So.I couldn't tell you."I controlled my emotion.

He took my hand.I looked at it.Intertwined on mine. .

"Dont be afraid to tell me anything.Because I'll be with you.."he gently pressed my hand.

My eyes fell on him.He gave me a sweet smile.

"Remember,sickness and in health."he smiled brightly.

I chuckle with a sob.

"Dude,were not married."I hit him.Chuckling.I wiped the tears away.

"Well I will.."he said out of nowhere.

My eyes flickered on him.

"Someday."he said playfully..

I licked my lower lip.And giggle.

"But still you need to go."I sniff.

He chortle.

"Well you really like me being around here.."

"Nah.You should go."I stood up.And began to walk away.

"Nah.I can't.I got my leave."he smiled.Standing up.

I turn to face him.Confused.

"I will take care of you."And suddenly he carried me bridal style.

"You're my queen.."he whispered.

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