You Left Home

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Your parents wanted for you to marry a man that you don't love. They didn't approve of Jaehyun. Because of his social life, that he's an artist, they also bring that it wont last. They kept telling you that.

" Mom you really don't know him. If you had the-"

"No, Y/n. You're not well off when you're with him. And I know he'll broke-"

"No Mom. Jae will never do that. I know him," you said at the dinner. The three of you, your dad, mom and you, were having a intense conversation because they wanted you to marry this stranger.

" You just need to know Chase," your mom said, while cutting her steak.

You placed down the utemsils and looked at her and to your dad. Your dad was just staring at you.

" I don't want to, because I know you'll push me to him. To a stranger," you threw the handkerchief on your plate.

"Come back here, young lady,"

"you'll never be happy and you know that," your dad said.

That made you stop from walking out and looked at them both. Seeing them, made you sick. Because you know they never loved each other. Its their obligation to marry one another because it had been planned. They never loved each other.

" Please... Don't. You dont even looked happy with each other. Do you even love each other?" you asked, the tears were falling.

They were both quiet because it was true.

" With Jae, I will never asked myself that. Because I know that I love him." your vouce broke. You didn't wanted to say it, but you had no choice because they'll just push you to this man.

You feel sorry, but youbquickly ran to your room. And started to pack your things. Because it hurts seeing them like that. You really respected them but what they were doing to you was killing you.

You called Jaehyun, and you just said that you wanted him to meet him in a cafe. You grabbed your bag and went to that cafe. Your parents didn't know that you left.


You sat there taking a sip of coffee. As you waited for Jaehyun.

"Hey," you looked up and saw Jaehyun with his concern expression. You immediately jumped to him hugging him tightly, he did the same.

"Baby.. What happened..?" he asked.

" I left home.." you whispered sobbing, as he rubbed your back.

"Why?" he asked gently, letting go of the hug. You two both stood there. While you cry, he tried to comfort you.

" they wanted me... They arrange a marriage... With a stranger," you explained, and sat. You wiped all the tears away. Because it was too much.

Jaehyun went silent, and sat beside you. Holding your hands, giving it a squeeze.

"And you didn't...want to?"

" Yeah.. I love you. I didn't want anyone else," you said looking him at the eyes.

"But this isn't -" he was going to say that this is wrong.

"I know... But they will push me to this guy. You know that and you know them." you said, catching your breath.

Jaehyun's expression was unreadable. Because you know he didn't want you to ran away because of him. But if he drop you off to your parents, there's a chance that he'll never going to see you.

" Let's just rent an apartment so that you can rest. Let's talk about it tomorrow.. You need some rest." he exclaims.

He didn't wanted to take advantage of this moment. Because tahts Jaehyun.

" Jae, don't let me go t-" you pleaded.

"I won't. I promise, Y/n. I'll never let you go there," he said caressing your cheeks.

"But you need to... Update your mom that your okay. They'll get worried." Jaehyun said.

It's unbelievable how kind he is, even though your parents don't like him. He respected your parents. But you wondered why can't they see that.

" Why are you like that.. "you asked, still wiping the tears

" What? "he asked.

" You still respected them.. Even though they.. " you didn't want to say those words.

" Of course, their your parents. If it weren't for them I wouldn't have you.. "he smiled genuinely.

You quickly hugged him, this is one of the reason you love him. Because he's so compassionate.. He sees the best on the worst people.

" I love you, Jae. "

" I love you too, baby.. " he whispered to you, hugging you protectively.


au: you're beautiful, don't let anyone or anything define you.

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