Young Parent

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Requested by Jjhanie. I hope you like it. 🌼


Your POV

I was sleeping when I felt Jaehyun, not on my side. It's passed midnight, I quickly sat up, worried.

I went in our bathroom, and he wasn't there. When I heard someone, on the other room. I carefully went to the other room, were our baby was. I slightly opened the door and saw, Jaehyun carrying the baby, while singing a song. And what I've hear was, it was my favorite song. That made me smile, as he continued singing it to our baby, as he move slowly back and forth.

He's been really.. a good dad, to (y/daughter or sons/name). He has been hands on, even though we're both still entering university. He made sure to take care of his son/daughter.

"Hey," I carefully entered the room, going beside him.

"Hey, you're awake.." he whispered, kissing the side of my head.

I wrapped my arm on his back, as he continued to sing, and just stared at him and our first new born.

"You really looked like her/him," he whispered in my ear.

"Well,.. She/he got his/her eyes from you." I added staring at Jaehyun. He noticed my stare, and quickly give me a kiss. That made me beam.

"Why didn't you.. wake me?" I asked, he was laying down the baby.

We both agreed to take turns on (your daughter / son name). Because of our scheduled class.

"I can't wake you up, you were sleeping peacefully," he held your hand and lead you outside the room. Going to your room. I went to my side of the bed and sat. He went to grab some glass of water, and gave it to me.

"Hey you know you cant-" I was about to explain that he can't do that.

"I can," he sat beside you. I drank, and lay down. Still facing him.

"You can't do that, you need to rest, you have class tomorrow, " I quickly grabbed his hands.

His eyes flew down at me. Examining me.

" I know, but.. I need to take care of you too." he said, concerned.

"Well, you're doing it well," I said playing with his hands on mine.

He lay down beside me,facing me while wrapped his arm around me, giving me a passionate kiss. I cupped his face, after awhile our forehead touched, eyes shut.

"I need to take care of you, of my family." he whispered, still looking at me.

"You did well though"

That made me smile, giving him a kiss once again. Before sleeping once again.

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