Supreme Duos

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As the sun began rising, news spread about another killing spree. Men were found dead all over the capital, most of them were criminals or people that had showed how little they valued others, others were simple everyday citizens.

News also spread that the villains behind this were outsiders, meaning people were now more afraid to trust others. 

Just as you had planned.

The less people trusted each other the easier it became for you to deal with your enemies. Anyone suspicious was checked over and over and if they were deemed a threat, they were executed.

And your husband had been assisting you without question or complain, showing you his love and loyalty at every turn.

Muu had been your shield, his charming smile hid how the two of you dealt with anyone that posed a threat to your clan and to your children. He was so happy that you were depending on him so much and that he had regained your trust... and it was clear that your love for him was stronger than any fear you might have had.

And as proof of it, he was actually allowed to spend the nights with you again, sharing the same bed and cuddling to his heart's content. He didn't make any sexual advances, feeling that it wasn't the right time.

- Just like old times. He had said gently, his head on top of yours as you sighed.

- Muu.

- What?

- Stop talking.

- As you wish. He said with a chuckle, he pressed you closer and took in your scent... god how much had he missed this. No one would ever be able to understand.

So yeah, that was the state you two were in at the beginning... well, kinda.

As for the kids... they were overjoyed to have their dad back. They played with him, ate snacks together and even explored with him. The bond they had was undeniable... and you knew that Muu wouldn't try anything if it meant losing your trust again. 

The assasins and the Fanalis Corps were in peace, which was a relief for both sides as they didn't really want to kill each other... at least, not as much as before. Sure, there were still some ideological differences and both groups considered each other superior, yet this never escalated, considering their leaders were married, with kids.

At this time, Riku began his training as an assasin, he was slowly taught the basics and was taken to the street to observe people and see what they were all fighting for. 

Muu at first was not sure he wanted his son to enter the world of the assasins, yet you assured him that he would in turn have to teach him how to control his strength and show him how he and the Fanalis Corps trained. That made him understand that this was done for their son's safety and so he agreed.

Aside from all that, you were slowly rebuilding everything you and Muu had in the past. You would take breaks from your work to spend time with him, showing him that you did care for him in small ways.

Meanwhile Naga and Leo had been having a very interesting mission. It revolved around Sinbad and some suspicious moves of his.  He had tried visiting the village you had established in Sindria, problem was that you had taken extra measures to ensure that he wouldn't be able to find it. He tried getting on the good side of some assasins... which led to one question.

How did he know them?

You didn't trust Sinbad a lot and had made sure that NO ONE revealed their identities, anyone who tried was punished and exiled. Meaning that the only way he knew, was if he used his old friend Ja'far to get the info. You knew Ja'far was an assasin in the past, you knew that he had been a capable man... but you had put him on the black list for that reason alone. If he was that good and hadn't tried to at least contact you... then he could be seen as an enemy.

Naga was clearly curious about this, if Ja'far was trying to enter the village then that meant that Sinbad was up to something. Wether it was friendship or good old plain submission was not clear.

- Do you suppose that he is trying to get (Name) on his side?

- What do you mean Leo?

- (Name) married Muu Alexius which in a way make Muu leader of the assasins clan. If Sinbad could take that place then imagine just how much he could achieve. His enemies would be gone in a flash. His information would be better on a lot of things... and he would also have ways of getting what he wants through the villages in other countries.

Leo's words made Naga growl.

- Well, he's not getting his way this time.

- Let's not be quick to judge. Should we make a move that turns out to be a mistake, he might ask for some sort of payment. And that would definetely end with us losing something important.

Naga already knew this... but he just couldn't stand it anymore. Men were coming after his sister with weird motives and well... it was getting to him. Despite everything that had happened in the past, no assasin in the vilage held a grudge against him and that partially was thanks to you. 

- Let's talk with the elders about this, then with your sister. If we can get the council to look more into this, your sister is bound to do something as well. 

The two agreed on that, not really seeing another way, you were already having trouble with those after your children and the clan... not to mention that the plan to kill the emperor was still on the table. The concubine was under strict protection, the emperor himself was keeping her around him at all times.

Titus was mostly minding his own buisness, occasionally coming over for a cup of tea, hang around and have fun.

Which might also explain how Leo and Naga once made the poor Magi drink a total nine glasses of hard liquor... and since Titus wasn't good with alcohol, as you discovered after that day, he passed out and you let him stay over while giving your friend and your brother a good lecture about all this.

Muu was also started to somehow make peace with them. Proof of that was the fact that they covered for you both when needed. Making another excellent duo.

So some problems were slowly ending and others, were only just beginning.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 08, 2021 ⏰

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