Beast inside.

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Muu was watching your sleeping form with pure adoration. He was mesmerized by both your beauty and abilities, never before had he seen such a skilled woman in his life. 

He slowly recalled the first time he saw your eyes, those (e/c) orbs were stuck in his mind and his heart for a very long time.


It was during the winter, it had been half past midnight and he was about to go home after visiting the family of a noble, he suddenly heard a scream from inside the house, he instantly turned back and went upstairs... he only saw two things, the first... was the body of the noble he had visited... he had a large cut stretching across his entire neck and was laying in a pool of his own blood, his expression showed clear surprise, proof that he hadn't noticed he was being attacked until it was too late. 

The second was a pair of (e/c) orbs glaring at him with unbelievable hatred, this lasted for a few seconds before the figure in the shadows vanished... but for Muu this seemed like hours... whoever that person was had already attracted the captain of the Fanalis Corps and didn't even know it. 

He looked at the noble again, he wondered... what could that person have done to deserve such a fate? 

Three weeks after his death they discovered over twenty illegal child bazaars where these poor kids were either sold as slaves or they were killed and their organs were given to any kind of psycho who was willing to pay.

"That man was a monster." Myron commented as she looked at the children who were now free from the cruel fate that was about to catch up to them.

 Muu couldn't believe it, the man he had met didn't look like the villain he now appeared to be. Quite the opposite, in all honesty.

It made him understand that not everyone was what they appeared to be and was more carefull around others from then on.

 However, ever since that day he could always sense the same pair of eyes following him. He never got to see who was watching him but always felt safe for some reason, he felt secure and guarded. This went on for years... until he saw the same pair of eyes glaring at him again.


You slowly began to stir from your slumber as you felt something on your forehead. You looked up and saw Muu pressing a gentle kiss, he smiled at you and said.

" Good afternoon, dear."

" Muu? What- Ouch!!!" You said and touched your back, you knew you had a large bruise on your back, probably when Muu began stroking your back a bit too tight yesterday...when you two...

 Your face became red as you recalled what happened and you hid under the covers. This was by far the most embarassing moment of your life!

"We should treat your wound." Muu noted as he slowly brought you closer, you placed a hand on his chest and looked up, his eyes widen when he saw your red face. 

You had a small frown that somehow matched your red cheeks... you looked adorable!!! He brought his face closer to yours and kissed you, his hand touched your leg and began heading upwards. 

Realizing where this was going you instantly pushed him away and sat up. Leaving a loud hiss as the pain from the bruise reminded you of your current state.

" We're not doing it twice in a day." You stated sternly and he chuckled.

" Does that mean I can ravish you tomorrow?" He asked and you blushed harder as you looked away.

" What's with you?! Are you trying to live up to your title?" You asked embarrassed and he laughed.

" Ah yes! I'm an entitled pervert... but I don't think you hate that, not anymore." He teased as he rose from the bed and pulled you on his chest, his eyes stuck on yours. 

You really didn't like where this was going so you gave him a quick peck and left the bed, doing your best to ignore the pain you were feeling. You changed into your uniform and he wore his armor again. 

His eyes looked at your form intensly until you finally decided to ask him about it.

" What's wrong? Why are you looking at me like that?"

" Your uniform, it's rather unique, the metal, the fur..."

" This is actually a combination of my father's and my mother's armor. The metal belongs to my mother and the fur to my father. I... wanted to have both of them with me out on the battlefield, it made me feel safe." You confessed as you hugged the large black fur that hanged over your uniform, Muu's face clouded, he had recalled about that day.

 He had killed that assasin by accident, he never meant to do it!!! That man told him everything without hesitation and vowed to give Muu his head if he proved to be wrong, the two of them fought together but when Muu tried to deliver his final strike... someone pushed him and caused him to hit the wrong person. He never forgave himself for that... and now he was in love with the daughter of that same man. 

Maybe this time he could do the right thing... he loved you, he really did and that's why he wanted you to be happy.

" I'm sorry." He mumbled and you raised an eyebrow.

"If it's about my father... don't bother apologizing. I asked lady Scheherazade for help and she showed me your memories, the man who pushed you was the brother of my father's target, their both dead now." You repliedd and his eyes widened. 

You never said that to him but you wanted to know the truth, that's when you decided to seek the help of the magi that protected the Reim empire. She watched with you and comforted you when you finally realized how foolish you had been, you too had decided to make it up to Muu and that's why you had completely forgotten about killing him... however you knew that the both of you were being watched... and you knew that this person was an assasin from the village. 

They were up to something... and if you had to bet it wasn't going to be good. Muu was aware of this as well and he planned to kill that person before he did anything to you... he was going to destroy everyone that wished to harm you or make you suffer, you were his angel and he was going to keep you safe even if he really had to become a beast to do so.

After all, it wouldn't be the first time people would call him and his allies monsters... and for you, he vowed to be the worst of them all.

Assasin of hearts (Yandere Muu Alexious x Reader)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora