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Things were getting really weird this past few weeks... for starters Muu had taken it upon himself to stalk you everyday, all day.

He was surprisingly clingy and would often let his hormones get the best of him... another thing was that he wanted to make it clear that you were his and his alone... and that's why he had asked lady Scheherazade to hold a banquet to celebrate your "engagement", this happened behind your back and by the time you discovered Muu had prepared everything... seriously, he had everything done within three days.

The two of you were currently in his room under the covers after you finally allowed him to ravish your body once again, needless to say he took his sweet time and did it more than once. You looked at him serious and asked him about this sudden change of pace. 

"I just want the world to see how much you mean to me, also I don't want any nobles trying to put the moves on you." He mymbled and you raised an eyebrow.

"Muu, I'm an assasin. Do you really think I can't fight them?"

"I know that you can, I just want them to know that you have me to back you up whenever you need me." He replied and placed a kiss on your forehead. 

You rolled your eyes, you couldn't argue on that, you never knew when you would need someone to watch your back... and Muu was the best choice for that matter.

"Okay, fine. Do as you wish." You sighed and Muu smiled michieviously.

"If you say so." He purred as he pulled you closer, he began kissing your neck reaching down to your collarbone. You blushed hard as you looked down at him.

"I meant about the whole banquet thing, not this!!!!" You exclaimed but he only chuckled as he reached for your breasts, he teased them for quite a while before pushing the covers away, exposing your undressed bodies.

He got on top of you and kept laying kisses until eventually he got to your womanhood. He looked up at you and you saw his lustfull gaze... he was holding his desire back since he wanted your permission to continue, at this point you couldn't say no and so you nodded with a large blush, not a second after that your positions switched, now you were on top of him... he pressed his body on yours as he rubbed his lower half on yours, pleasant shivers coursed your body and you left soft moans each time your sensitive areas came into contact.

"(Name)!!!" He moaned as he plunged deep inside you. You left a loud moan and looked at him, he was waiting for you to adjust, you gave another nod and he began moving slowly, he was still teasing you, he knew that you would eventually ask for more... he just wanted to hear you beg for it.

"Meanie." You commented and he smirked as he pressed his lips between your breasts leaving a red mark. He then returned into sucking your breasts as his pace gradually increased, your moans and cries aroused him more and in a moment you found yourself moaning his name as your hands were on his bare chest. 

"I love you, (Name)." He moaned before he released his seed. 

You cried out one last time before he pulled out,  you took a few deep breaths then looked down at him. He was smilling in a very suggestive manner.

"No, that's enough for a day." You stated as you moved away. Muu didn't try to force you, he loved how you accepted him so willingly or the fact that you would be shy and sweet one moment and strong willed along with a sassy sense nearly seconds later. 

He stood up and the two of you went to the indoor bath he had, the two of you bathed together... still there was a thought stuck in his mind, that much you could tell by his clouded expression. 

When the two of you got out and changed back to your usual style, he looked at you and placed and arm on your cheeks.

"(Name).... do you really love me?" He asked and your eyes widen in surprise.

 "Why ask so suddenly?"

"Do you?" He repeated and you nodded with a small blush.

"I do... love you." You mumbled as you looked into his eyes, he smiled and pulled you into a hug.

"Then please accept my love and become my wife. Please." He begged and your breath hitched. You stepped away and decided to make it a bit more pleasant... your answer that is.

"Didn't you just say we were going to announce our engagement? If I do recall the wedding comes after the engagement, right?" You teased with a small smile, Muu understood that you didn't want to push things and make fast decisions... still, you were accepting the engagement, that also proved that you were accepting him slowly but surely. Before either of you could say a thing, Myron barged in.

"(Name)!!!! You promised to train with me!!!" She stated angrily and you laughed.

"Okay, okay. I'm coming." You replied and looked at Muu. He smiled and nodded as the three of you excited the room.

The day was pretty much quiet with the exception of Myron's and Lo'lo's daily arguments. You seriously thought that they should become a couple, they surely were fighting like one. 

One thing that was keeping you alarmed though was that sensation that someone was around. It was Leo... it was an amateur, a newbie. But why would a newbie be here? Alone nontheless... your eyes caught glimpse of a small blonde head hiding among the trees... well, at least he was trying to. You tried to take a better view and upon seeing a familiar pair of eyes you nearly freaked out, it was Luca, your younger brother!!!

"Is something wrong?" Muu asked and you looked at him.

"I... I... I just thought... no, it's okay. I just feel a bit weird." You replied as you looked at the tree again with the corner of your eye, your brother was gone but your fear still remained, why was your brother spying at you and why was he here all alone?

What was going on here?

Assasin of hearts (Yandere Muu Alexious x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now