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It had been almost eleven months since you escaped Muu and his world of violence, possessivenss and obsession.

You were holding your son, Riku in your arms as you silently watched your students train.

They were slowly getting the hang of it as Leo was also assisting them. As for Muu... you planned on seeing if he had finally given up and moved on. You felt that you could now look at him and be sure that no romantic or even sympathetic emotions would rise. 

However you needed to make sure that your son was going to be okay. Meaning you'd have to wait a little longer to create a plan to ensure Riku would be fine regardless of the outcome of your decision. 

"You need to improve your stance, you all leave openings to your left." Leo instructed and they all nodded. You smiled and left as you wondered if you should go and see if the Fanalis Corps were still out for you right now. When you suggested that to your mother she was against it but she knew that you wouldn't stop even if she locked you in your room. 

"Very well but don't be out too long. You can't risk it." She adviced and you nodded as a sign that you agreed.

You wore your uniform and left the village silently with Leo as your only companion. The two of you were alert all the time, even when you saw that there were no Fanalis in sight. You decided to listen to the gossip, the two of you moved down and hid on an alley. You watched as two  middle aged women slowly walked around and discussed the latest news.

"I heard he's locked himself in his room and doesn't let anyone in."

"I heard that he attempted to commit suicide."

"He must really love her... do you know why she left?"

"I hear she was kidnapped by the other assasins... something about blood purity in assasins."

"Oh the poor girl... and their baby."


"Yes, I heard lord Muu and lady (Name) were expecting a baby... just imagine what the poor kid will go through."

"I think she had it all planned." A third woman chimed in, this one keeping a stern expression.

"What do you mean?"

"Oh please! She was a really skilled assasin, she was able to beat lord Muu and lady Myron together. Surely she'd be able to fight off a few assasins." 

"But I heard her mother was one of them."

"Oh dear, this is indeed horrible." Another woman added, you didn't pay any attention to the rest, you were suprised that people still thought of you fondly, well some of them did. 

" Are we going to the palace?" Leo asked.

"I am going there, YOU are going back to the village to get more assasins in case this is a trap."  You instructed and Leo was hesitant but he knew you had to be prepared for all possible scenarios. 

He left and you moved ahead in silence. Passing from rooftop to rooftop until you reached the palace gardens. You looked around and located Muu's room. Slowly you moved down and headed to the nearest shadow to conceal yourself. It was hard in broad daylight but you knew you could do it if you were carefull. As you entered through a window of the lowest floor, you noticed Myron walking down the hallway and meeting Lo'lo and some other members of the Fanalis Coprs. In an instant you hid behind the curtains, stayed perfectly still.

"Is he any better?" Lo'lo asked concerned and Myron shook her head.

"No, he's too weak and he still refuses to eat. He's so thin and pale... he's dying." Myron mumbled and you gasped gently, you couldn't believe it, Muu was far worse than what you realized... and this wasn't your fault but you still felt bad about it.

"We have to find (Name) and the baby, they're the only ones that can cure the captain." One of them murmured and they all nodded before leaving in a hurry. 

You wondered if their words were sincere... just for safety you left a small mix that made anyone passing by faint within seconds. It was extremely strong so you bolted the moment you lit it up, it lasted for a total of two hours and due to its small size it was hard to see. So that was over with... now for the hard part.

As you moved towards the door you saw a small opening and peaked inside. You saw Muu sitting on the floor and with his back against the wall, eyes cast down, you could see his pale skin and boney face clearly, his eyes were empty and his once bright smile was gone in a firm, emotionless line. 

You suddenly felt a strong, spirit crushing pain in your chest at the sight of the husk that was once Muu Alexius. You decided to try something, you slowly entered and closed the door gently. You moved closer, not a single sound escaping your footsteps, slowly but surely you kneeled down and called his name in a hushed tone.


His eyes widened at the familiar voice and he looked up, as his gaze locked yours his vision was clouded with tears.


Without warning he leaned in and hugged you. It was a tight, longing hug... it felt as if he feared you'd dissapear again should he remove his hands from you.

" Why are you doing this to yourself Muu?" You asked sternly but he didn't reply, you pulled away and looked into his eyes before repeating your question, your tone slightly gentler.

"(Name).... I love you... I can't be apart from you... please come back to me." He begged, his voice trembling.

"Do you know what you have done... what you did for the sake of a delusion?" You questioned and he sighed as he placed his head on your shoulder.

"I couldn't stand it... their dirty gazes... their insults."

"Muu... I had chosen you... I loved you."

"L-Loved?" He repeated scared at the use of past tense.

"I can't love a person who would do something so horrible even though he knew that I only had eyes for him... and who can't keep his word."

"I'm so sorry my love... If you could only give me a chance... one more chance."

"I can't say that I will for sure... but I can't also deny it completely... especially for our son's sake."

"Our... son... we have a son?"

"Yes Muu, our son... his name is Riku." You confirmed and Muu's eyes sparkled with joy.

"Riku... my son." 

"You will never see him unless you change your ways Muu... and you can start by stopping this ridiculous show." You scolded and you couldn't believe you were actually encouraging him. Why on earth were you doing this?

"Then... will you come back?"

"I will visit you again... but I wont come back until I am sure that the future awaiting me isn't like the present or the past." 

"Then I will do it... for our future... I will change, I promise you (Name)... you wont regret this."

"I hope you can keep your word this time Muu Alexius. This is the only chance I'm willing to give you." You replied and then left through the window, leaving no trace behind as you went to meet the others, you gazed back once and hoped that the future... would not hide any more pain for either of you... or for your son.

As you met with the others you informed Leo of what you had seen and heard... he was shocked but he admitted that he deserved what he went through mentaly. You didn't argue since Muu had tortured him for no reason other than his delusions of rivarly from other men with you as the grand prize.

You began returning home, having made the decision not to let Muu continue with this idiocy... but should he at any point try to do anything, you'd end him to ensure yours and your sons future. 

This time, you would not make the same mistake you did in the past.

Assasin of hearts (Yandere Muu Alexious x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now