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You had been training for four hours in total and you still couldn't stop thinking about your last encounter with Muu. 

You had been so different all of a sudden and if that wasn't bad enough... you even felt happy about his gift, true the kitten was beautifull and so was the name you had given her, Moira. It meant fate since you loved that little furball from the moment you saw her.  

  Muu, was watching you practise from afar with a satisfied grin, that didn't go unoticed by his sister who understood all too well why he was in such a good mood.

" So she opened up a bit?"

" Yes, I guess she doesn't see me as a monster anymore. More like an entitled pervert."

" That's what she called you?!" Myron asked with a small laugh and Muu nodded.

" She's a very lively person." He commented and Myron looked at you for a minute before deciding to do something to help.

" Why don't we go and train with her? It could help her get used to us." She suggested and Muu thought about for a moment before nodding. 

The two of them made their way to you and it didn't take long for you to notice them. You instantly raised your defenses, unsure of their intentions.

" What?" You asked them coldly and they rolled their eyes.

" We thought you might need some help with your practise." Muu answered and you raised an eyebrow. 

" No thanks, I'm fine." You replied and kept on training in your speed, Muu and Myron seemed inpressed that you could develop the speed you did, especially since it could rival that of a Fanalis. 

No wonder you could escape them. 

Myron decided to see just how fast you were and began running after you, once she was near you she would attack you and you would send her flying every time she came back to retry, regaining a good distance. 

Muu soon found himself envious of the fact that you were accepting Myron at some point and decided to join her.

 He went in front of you trying to block your way, you frowned and after making a small jump, you placed one hand on his right shoulder and then you were in the air spinning around and landing on your feet like a cat. 

Muu was looking at the spot you were previously with a shocked gaze. Never before had he seen such movements.

" You're really fast (Name)." Myron commented and you only rolled your eyes.

" I'm an assasin, I have to be." You reminded and that made sense to them both.

 Still, such speed should have been tough to acquire. They began wondering about your strength too.

 Myron tried to punch you but she ended up with a kick in the stomach that sent her to a nearby wall, Muu also attempted to kick you in which you answered with a kick in the head that sent him to the exact opposite direction. 

The two of them were now shocked and stood there without uttering a word, you were indeed a worthy opponent, one people wouldn't want to engage as a foe. 

Your speed, strength and strategy was already been admired by them.

" I guess that's enough for today." Myron replied and she rubbed her tummy, you looked at her and decided that she was bound to have a bad bruise unless she took care of it.

 Muu would also need to rest since that kick in the head was pretty strong too. 

You told them to follow you and they did without much asking. You thanked God for that.

 When you got to your room you took Myron and rubbed a small amount of lotion on her so that the bruise would go away quickly and so that it wouldn't be painfull and told her to take it easy for three days, starting right now.

 As for Muu you told him to take a nap on a nearby couch since that kick would later on make him dizzy.

 You knew he trained hard and such an injury would be trouble, it didn't matter if you were strong or weak, the head alone was a sensitive area and an attack there could prove deadly. You were an assasin, you knew first hand how much that kick could affect someone.

Your mentor, Gaspar had not been kind when it came down to training.

The two of them looked at you clearly surprised by how much your walls had fallen but they were happy to see that you cared. They did as you advised and 

The excuse you gave to yourself was that you had to make them lower their defenses against you, for that to happen you had to do the same yourself even if it was just a little bit.

 It wasn't caring and it certainly wasn't something as foolish as friendship that led you to this decision... it was only part of your plan.

" You're a very smart person (Name), knowing so many things about healing and poisons, even in your village you must stand out." Muu notedd and you nodded, he was right about that. 

" I am the second best in the village." You admitted and he raised an eyebrow.

" Who's first?"

" My father, was the best of the best." You answeredd and their cheerfull expressions soured and within seconds it was obvious that they were sorry to touch such a delicate matter.

" I'm sorry, (Name). I didn't know..."

" It's okay, you weren't supposed to know anyway. You're not an assasin, you shouldn't know anything about the village... yet you know more than enough." You told them and they seemed confused. 

They didn't push it and you looked around for your cat, she was laying under the bed, you lured her out and when you took her in your arms she bagan purring like crazy and you smiled brightly, you really loved this little troublemaker.

"Say (Name), would you like to come see us when we train?" Myron asked and you looked at her surprised.

" Fine... I guess." You replied and both of them smiled satisfied before both of them fell asleep on your room. 

Muu on the couch and Myron on your bed, you looked at them and for a moment you thought that now should be a good time to kill them both. 

However... you soon found yourself unable to pull such a dirty trick, they had been kind enough to invite you when they trained, they both gave you a gift... and for that matter all you did was plan their deaths.

 Maybe... you shouldn't rush... maybe you should wait a bit more. After all, your walls wouldn't fall that easily.... would they? 

Assasin of hearts (Yandere Muu Alexious x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now