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You were watching Muu and Myron play with Riku from a distance, your son was giggling and laughing all the time. It made you happy... but you knew that sooner or later you would have to make a decision, either marry Muu or go into hiding again. You obviously didn't want Muu to go back to that stage of absoloute misery... but you wondered if you should really take such a decision so quickly... people were starting to speak ill of Riku already and you didn't want that to continue, marriage was the only thing that would change their few, still Leo and your mother were firmly against it, Luca was still trying to decide which side he'd support but... he was still a child. 

- Are you still thinking about marrying Muu? Scheherazade asked and you nodded.

- Perhaps this marriage isn't a bad idea, both for Riku and for the assasins. You said, suddenly you saw one of the children you had taken to the village approach holding a letter, you recognized it, whoever was mentioned in that letter was your target.

- There you go, big sister. The boy who brought the letter said with a warm smile, you patted his head and smiled.

- Thank you Gaen, now go back... Leo must be worried sick. You said and the boy laughed before leaving. You opened the letter with Scheherazade present and read it together. It mentioned the last daughter of the man you had killed two days ago, she was back to her house and from the looks of it she was now happy that she'd have all the riches of her family for herself. Well, she wasn't going to enjoy it for long now that you knew about this, you looked at the magi next to you and she sighed.

- I understand. I'll tell Muu where you're going. She said and you gave her a gratefull smile.

- Thank you Scheherazade, I appreciate all that you have done. You said and hugged her, she was suprised but overall she was happy, it had been a long time since she had felt so close to someone. After that you left without any sound, you decided to be quick about this since you wanted to go back to your son. As you moved from rooftop to rooftop you spotted the female you were going to kill, she had been going around shopping dresses and jewelry, she was obviously excited that no one would put a limit between her and her greed. Suddenly she came across another noble lady who was also out shopping, they began chatting and from the looks of it she was bragging about something, you decided to get closer and listen to them.

- I'm telling you, once lord Muu sees me in that he'll fall hard and fast for me.

- But he's engaged and has a son with the woman he's going to marry.

- Oh please! He's gotten over her, have you seen how he looked the past few weeks? I'm sure he got over her and now he's searching for a new lover. And I will be that lover.

- But how do you plan on seducing him.

- Tonight I have a celebration at my house and I have invited all of the nobles, him included. That assasin whore is history and Muu Alexius is mine. She bragged and you grintted your teeth, you vowed that she was going to eat these words. You could have killed her once she left but you decided not to. After what you heard three things were certain, firstly that you were going to that celebration, secondly that you would kill that brat and last but not least important, the wedding would happen no matter what others said. 

- I'll show her who's boss here. You said and returned to the castle where you spoke with Scheherazade and she laughed at your words.

- I never knew you could get so jealous. She said and you blushed.

- I am not jealous! I'm simply insulted that she called me a whore...

- And that she wants to take Muu away from you. Scheherazade said and you looked away.

- I most certainly don't care about this.... besides-

- You know I love you more than anyone on this world. A voice said and you both looked back and saw Muu holding Riku.

- Muu!!! You said with a small blush as you took Riku in your arms.

- I am glad to know that you also don't want other women to try and get me.

- Shut up you titled pervet!!! You said and he laughed as he recalled the nickname you had placed on him when you began opening up to him. 

- I guess we're going together then? He asked and you looked at him annoyed.

- Of course we are going together!!! Besides, that brat if my target, I cannot allow such an opportunity pass by just like that. You said though in truth, you also wanted to show that you and Muu weren't over. Of course you hadn't forgotten what he had done and how things turned out because of that but even so... you loved him. 

 Once you returned to the village and announced your decision things got tense. Your mother began asking you why you had decided on marrying Muu, you then told her about the way people were starting to view Riku and even reminded her of your past and the missing gap in your family. That won her and Luca over but Leo was firmly against it, still upon telling this to the council of the elders they saw the benefit of such a union and how much calmer things would get, therefor the agreed as well. 

- Now that this is over, let's get you all dolled up. Your mother said and you shook your head.

- Not yet, firstly there is something I need to do.

- What is it? She asked and you looked at her.

- That woman said that all the nobles would gather tonight, it's an opportunity to find traitors and targets. I want the names of six targets and a team assembled to end them, once I kill my target and they all leave we must be prepared. You said and she smiled.

- Okay, I'll take care of it, till then you better feed Riku and put him to sleep. Your mother replied and left. You looked at your son and prepared some milk for him, after he was full you began humming a lullaby and watched him relax in your embrace, it was a very calming moment for you both. You enjoyed it since you knew that after that... things were going to become rough.

Assasin of hearts (Yandere Muu Alexious x Reader)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن