Dawn of Blood.

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As the news of the emperor's newest concubine's pregnancy reached the public, people became excited at the idea of a new prince. Nerva had lost all favor with the common people, his behavior towards others had gotten worse and even the nobles of Reim were now supporting this new concubine, hoping for a prince to replace Nerva.

This only made Nerva aggressive towards the new concubine as he tried over and over to make lose her baby. Thanks to gossip, the emperor was so displeased with his son that he threatened to disown him.

At the same time, assasins were making fake attempts to kill the new concubine. The palace was now a mess and they all blamed Nerva for it. And it was during all that your people acted, taking advantage of Nerva's newest scandal, which involved insulting the son of a very influencial noble and threatening to kill his entire family once he got on the throne.

So it came to no surprise when the next morning, he was found dead in his bedroom with a over a million wounds and a ton of blood all over the place. People were shocked but mostly relieved, knowing all too well what that if Nerva got on the throne, their lives would be a living nightmare. And you barely had to lift a finger to evade suspicion. 

- So now, what do we do?

You looked at your mother and sighed, Nerva was gone but your problems weren't completely over. Muu had finished his mission and his results were truly remarkable, which had the added bonus of making you worry about him going on a killing spree again. 

- Once Muu returns, I'll let him have some time with the children, they miss him a lot. 

- And you?

- I... don't know.

At those words your mother knew that you were scared that Muu would repeat his mistake. According to the laws of your people, if someone did what Muu did twice, then there would be no second chance in gaining redemption. So if Muu was to repeat his actions, then there would be no way for him to regain your trust and his family.

At the same time Muu was excited as he finally returned home... he had completed the task you gave him and as such, had regained his place as your husband. Leo and Naga hadn't been really helpfull, Luca on the other hand told Muu about what would happen should he repeat his actions, all for the sake of you not having to deal with this again. Muu now knew that he couldn't act on his own again, if he was ever forced to kill again, then that would mean he'd lose you forever.

- Muu, you better not try anything funny. My sister was willing to help you once by letting you go on this mission. Don't make her and us regret it.

At Luca's words, Muu understood that it wasn't just you that placed your faith in him, but your entire clan. The assasins hadn't tried to stop him from completing this task... which meant they wanted to believe that he wouldn't do the same thing again.

- But letting so many people insult her behind her back... men having such lustfull fantasies about her is unforgivable!

- And you think she cares? You are the only man that ever managed to charm her heart, fantasies cannot harm anyone... and if they begin causing trouble, you can be sure that Leo and Naga will take care of it. We're not here for show, you know.

Muu sighed and nodded, he knew that your people wouldn't allow rumours and the sickening fantasies of others ruin you and the family you and him had created. He knew and so, all that was left for him to do was focus on one thing. 

Become a good husband and a good father.

- Muu, (Name) is here to see you with the children. 

Naga's voice was never pleasant for the Fanalis captain but this time, the news were the best he had heard ever since he left for that mission. YOU had come to see him... meaning that you really did forgive him and really wanted to be together with him. 

- I have to go. Thanks for your help Luca! Muu said and run off, going as fast as he could towards the entrance of the palace. And the second he saw you, his heart was about to explode. He stopped a few meters away and looked at you and the children... oh, he had missed all of you.

Riku and Cora run off to hug their father as soon as they noticed him. Muu opened his arms and embraced them, laughing and telling them that they both grew taller and stronger. You remained silent, looking at them and wondering how could such a sweet man become a killer that was blinded by jealousy... 

Eventually Muu put the kids down and approached, looking at you with a warm smile and pulling you closer for a hug. You felt yourself relax... even after everything that had occured, you still felt safe in his arms.

- Welcome back, Muu.

- I'm glad to be back. 

The four of you moved inside the palace, people were fawning over you four, talking about being the perfect family. If only they knew what had happened... surely they'd think otherwise.

- Muu, there's something important that I need to tell you. You said and Muu seemed confused at your sudden words. Your expression was mild but he could tell that the children weren't supposed to hear this.

- Riku, Cora... could you go and call Myron? I'd like to talk to her. He said, the two of them nodded and run off. You weren't worried about them getting lost or someone attacking them, given that there was a huge number of people from your clan working here to keep an eye out, in case of something going wrong.

- Now, while you were gone, there were a few... incidents. And I must tell you that we'll need to ensure that no one tries to use our children for their own agendas. 

- Okay, I'm all ears.

And with that, you told Muu everything that occured while he was away, as well as telling him that the two of you would have to work together to put down a rebellion that was aiming for one thing.

The destruction of the assasin's clan. They wanted war and both of you agreed on one thing. There would be blood, a lot of blood. 

- So... we're doing this together?

- Yes, this isn't just about the assasins. Our children are also in danger... and I won't let them harm them, no matter the price.

Muu smiled and nodded, you finally seemed to understand his logic...and now, he was more than happy to spill as much blood as possible, since it was what you wanted. No one would ruin the hapiness that you and he deserved... anyone who tried would pay the price in the most gruesome way imaginable. 

And this time, he had your support. This time, he would make sure no enemy of yours survived.

Assasin of hearts (Yandere Muu Alexious x Reader)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant