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- I'm not!!! You shouted as Leo placed his forehead against yours and glared at you.

- Yes you are!!! You have been cooped up in here for two weeks doing work therapy!

- Duties are duties, I can't ignore them!

- You're asking for a report about every little thing!!! He argued and you looked at a pile of pappers which reported the number of blades each assasin carried daily.

- I need to know if my people need help!

- (Name), you are have a depression episode and that's final! Ever since you learnt that Scheherazade died you had been like this! On top of that Muu has been nagging me to have you go to his side!

- That again...

- He's a psycho! 

- Leo!!! 

- Fine, fine... he's an obsessed husband and father with a unfair dose of superhuman strength. He said and you groaned.

- If that's all then I'll go tommorow at the palace to speak with him.

- I think he wants more than that.

- Such as?

- I believe he wants you to stay at the palace for good.

- We'll see.

- He IS your husband. I don't many married couples that keep on living seperately.

- That doesn't mean they don't exist.

- True but... with Myron aware of our new location I can't be sure what to expect. Leo said and that got you thinking, was it really safe to allow an outsider to know something so crucial, especially when you know they won't take your side if disaster strikes again.

- I think we should ask this new magi to erase those memories from her. You said and suddenly Naga came inside your office.

- She's here! He said annoyed.

- Who? You both asked him.

- Me! A familiar voice said. "Speak of the devil" you thought as you saw Myron enter the room, she had a grim expression... she was here for trouble, that much was clear.

- Why are you here? I believe it was clear that you are not supposed to be in this village. You said and stood up.

- It's because you're doing again your old trick! She said annoyed and the males near you growled at her.

- What are you talking about? Have I attempted to assasinate you? Or perhaps have I expressed and resentment towards you? You asked and she seemed even more enraged by your attitude.

- Hiding again in your village and letting my brother fall into misery again?! And this time not only are you keeping yourself away but Riku as well!!! What the hell is wrong with you?! She said and you gave her a sharp glare.

- I am not only Muu's wife, I am also leader of the assasins. I have duties to my people and I have ignored them for far too long. Muu will wait until I am done, then I will do my duties as a wife and a mother and dote upon them both.

- Quit talking like it's something you were assigned to do!!! If you no longer love my brother then why did you marry him?! She said and you got closer, you grabbed her by the neck and forced her to look at you.

- Don't assume that I do not love him, he is my husband and the father of my child. Say those words once more and I will cut off your tongue! You hissed and she seemed suprised by your little outburst. 

- Then prove it! She said as she got free from your hold, she gave you one last glance and then left.

- Keep an eye on her. You told Leo and he nodded, you then turned to Naga and told him to arrange a meeting with the magi and he too left the room. You went to your mother who was playing with Riku and looked at her with a small sad smile.

- What is it my daughter?

- Myron came here....she was angry for not being by Muu's side.

- That girl's judgement is always clouded by emotions... I can't trust her as much as I wish. She admitted and you sighed. You took Riku who began playing with your face while leaving giggles and chuckles all the time, when he was satisfied and he began playing with your hair.

- What should I do mother? Without Scheherazade we are more open to an invasion... but I really wish Muu won't go that far....

- I can't be sure either (Name), however I know that by avoiding to meet him things will not take a turn for the better. He has an obsession that he seems capable to control but if we push it to the extreme then I doubt he'd be able to.

- I don't want that... how did the obsession appeared in the first place! He never seemed that type of person!

- Love is a strong feeling, so is lust and longing. If all three were mixed and raised to a certain level... and if the person they were directed to showed acceptance then there was a possibility.

- Then... it's my fault! I am responsible and I can do nothing to reverse this. If only I hadn't accepted his love.

- Do not blame your heart, that was the case even before you showed affection to this man. 

- Then are you saying that it was my fate to become the object of Muu's insane love all along?

- Why are you thinking of this whole thing now? 

- Because... even though I do love him, it feels like something isn't right.

- Maybe you can't accept his obsessive nature... and maybe what you have do to do is the opposite of what you're doing right now.

- What do you mean mother?

- Go to him, embrace him and accept as he is. Obsessive or not, he is a man who charmed you and earned your love. If he snaps then only you and your love will fix him...

- I see... I understand. I planned to go to him tommorow but... maybe I should go tonight.

- Maybe you should go now. Your mother said and you smiled, you stood up and left. Passing by people, exiting the village with your son and walking quickly towards the capital... if you recalled Muu occasionally went to the market to mingle with the people of Reim, it would be a good opportunity to restore the crumbling family picture you had and finally escape your state of denial. Your thoughts were distracted as you saw Muu's figure at the entrance to the city talking with Myron. Both noticed you and Riku and Muu instantly came to you, he kissed your forehead lovingly as he embraced you both.

- Hello Muu.

- Glad to see you again...

- Sorry for being late.

- I don't mind.

- Yes you do, don't lie to me you titled pervert. You said with a small smile and Muu laughed.

- Haven't heard that in a while.

- And you're going to hear a lot more... count on it.

Assasin of hearts (Yandere Muu Alexious x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now