Brother vs Lover Pt.2

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Muu and Naga had been acting hostile and you suspected that if you were to leave them alone, they would engage in battle. The only person who had showed some sort of acceptance was Scheherazade for she knew that Naga was indeed trying to start over. However she was also on guard at times... you didn't blame her though.

Currently, Muu was playing with your son while Naga was talking with Luca, you had been watching silently and although Naga and Muu weren't looking at each other anyone could feel the tension in the air. You didn't know what to do, Naga would always go on about how Muu was obviously crazy while Muu would say that Naga is a backstabbing scum. You were getting tired of all this and you had stated clear that if either of them did anything to harm another... then they would face you. Both had not engaged in battle but it was obvious they were searching for an excuse to simply charge at each other. Myron wasn't helping either as she would blindly say that her brother was right and sometimes she would become far too harsh with Naga... which in turn resulted to Naga laughing at her for considering herself to be a true noble, calling her a halfling and a disgrace to the Alexius bloodline. 

 You looked towards Muu who was holding Riku up in the air smilling and laughing with your son. Naga paused and glared at Muu for a moment, when Muu placed Riku down you saw the child trying his best to walk with his tiny legs, he could walk for a while but then he'd fall back... he was also beginning to talk a little.


- Come here, honey. You said, lowering yourself as Riku approached. When he finally reached you he almost stumbled but you got him quickly.

- Good thing the boy knows who is the best choice. Naga murmured and Muu glared at him.

- What's that?

- Oh nothing~ 

- Good then, I really wouldn't wish to take action right now.

- Let me guess... such as going to the room that's closest to the garden and cry your eyes out? Naga asked with a sadistic smile.

- Don't push your luck you little-

- Are you two arguing? You asked, not because you weren't getting, you were giving them a hint to cut it out before you took action.

- No, no... we're simply holding a conversation, you're not hearing any yelling correct? Naga asked you and Muu nodded in agreement. You sighed and left, leaving Luca with the two older males. No sooner had you left that Muu got close to Naga and grabbed his shirt.

- You're testing my patience... keep your nasty remarks to yourself or-

- Oh please! Like you're any better... you think I don't know that you are a psychotic jerk? Your wedding is approaching but trust me... should you cross me one more time, I'll shatter your world in the most painfull way I can think of. Naga said in a low, mocking tone.

- Not if you're not alive by then...

- You really think (Name) will suspect nothing? Or maybe you think that you amount so much to her that she'd forgive something like this? 

- You dare threaten me?! Muu shouted and a sudden pain on his leg made him gasp, looking down he saw a really sharp dagger covered with his blood as it was stuck in his flesh.

- My sister has been the only one to take my side ever since that night that we actually created some sort of bonding... and you, Muu Alexius have proved to be the worst candidate for her to dedicate herself to. If you do anything to upset her, I will personally execute you and have your body hanging from the castle gates... am I clear? Naga asked, he didn't wait for an answer as Muu let him go, Luca rushed towards them and looked at Muu, then Naga. He wasn't sure whose side to take... so he handed Muu a few bandages and after the dagger was out he cleaned it and handed it back to his brother. The two of them left the garden and shortly afterwards Myron came and saw her wounded brother.

- What happened?! She asked and Muu growled.

- Naga happened... he really plans to destroy my happy life with (Name).

- That son of a-

- Shut up. A third voice joined in, the two Fanalis looked up and saw Leo looking at them bored.

- What the hell are you doing here?

- Well, I am Naga's right hand man... also I've come to deliver news from the elders... the emperor of Reim is to be executed. Leo said and both gasped.

- No! We will not allow it!!! Myron shouted and Leo smirked.

- Why not? You know very well our motives for killing. And your emperor has done one thing that we assasins can never forgive. Leo said and that got their attention.

- What do you mean? Muu asked.

- Your emperor has declared war on our village. 

- Why?

- Because your emperor demands that not only should we reveal the village we live but wishes to kill the council of the elders AND our leader! 

- He wants (Name) dead?! Why?! Myron asked and Leo grimached.

- Because he wishes to obtain complete control over the village, especially now that we have expanded to both Sindria and the Kou empire. We are a force that posses a threat and he wants to control us.

- When will the execution take place? Muu asked and Leo smiled.

- Tonight. Naga is the one assigned for the job. (Name) hasn't been informed yet... when she does you better make her understand that you too had no idea about this until now. Leo said and Muu could bet that there was a trap in all that.

- Don't mess with us!!! Myron said and charged at him, no sooner had she attempted to kick him that she was thrown back my two assasins.

- Do not blame us for the emperor's idiocy. We are only protecting those who are innocent. Leo said firmly.

- What's the catch?

- Should you interefere with the execution in any way... the engagement is over and Naga will have (Name) marry the second prince of the Kou empire. 

- WHAT?! 

Assasin of hearts (Yandere Muu Alexious x Reader)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant