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The light of from the blades was slowly becoming more intese as the sound of the clashed metal increased. There were a few drops of blood here and there and pants could be heard clearly. You and Naga had somehow ended on the roof of the palace, both heavily injured, both exhausted yet determined not to let your opponent to win.

- Looks like... I'm not half bad... huh?! He said with a smirk while breathing heavily.

- Haha... yeah... seems like it...I guess this proves that we are relatives after all. You said and he then fell on on knee before hissing in pain.

- Damn it...

- Should we call it a day? You asked and he looked at you surprised.

- I admit I was expecting you to deliver the finishing blow not go for the peacefull end.

- Like I'm in condition to make the finishing move... we're both injured, we can barely stand and we need rest or we'll both collapse. You said and he laughed. 

- Can't argue with that but... haha... how are going to move? He asked and you looked around for a moment, you left a sigh and spoke.

- Leo quit watching us and give us a hand. You said and Naga looked around as more assasins came on the rooftop, they took the both of you although, they tied Naga's arms behind his back, before carrying the both of you out of there, at some point they also wrapped a clean but old cloth around his eyes as they moved around, making sure not to let him have time to hear anything that could help him locate the village later on. However at some point you were so focused on your brother that didn't even notice that they brought you before your house. You and Naga were placed on the same room for a while, his eyes now free as he looked around curiously.

- Where are we? He asked and you sighed as you looked up.

- We're in the village, where else? You asked and he huffed.

- Is it okay for someone sent to exile to be here?

- Who and when did they exile you? Because according to the information I have we were both babies when you were taken away, right?  You asked and he looked at you.

- When Azura was exiled so was I.

- Nope... she was exiled, true. But the penalty doesn't apply to you. 

- How come?

- You're not related by blood to her... and besides the penalty for exile lasts for nine years. When nine years pass you can return and ask to be accepted back into our society. You said and Naga's eyes widen.

- I... didn't know.

- Yeah I figured, it seems Azura didn't really want to come back to her family, huh? Otherwise she would have returned or at least told you about this. There is no way she didn't know about this. You said and Naga rolled his eyes.

- I can answer the reason why she kept quiet. He said but he got interrupted when your mother came in. She came to a halt as she looked at Naga, if she was happy to see him she didn't show it. She kept a cool and relaxed expression before she began treating you both, she freed Naga's arms and he only stood there, letting her do her work. 

- You both will spend a lot of time in bed... your wounds may not seem serious but if you dare try fight you might end up with permanent damage. She said and you both smirked.

- It runs in the blood mother. You said and Naga's eyes met your mothers for a moment, he seemed unable to express whatever emotions he had towards her, Azura must have taught him to hate her and want to kill her but she was still his biological mother who he knew nothing of.

- Thank you. He said simply and she nodded.

- You'll be staying here until you heal yourself, after that (Name) and you will have a talk about you learning a few things or not. She said and four assasins came in taking both of you to your rooms.

- I wonder if his stay here will help him change his views on our family and Azura. You murmured and slowly closed your eyes and fell asleep almost immediately.

 Meanwhile back at the palace Luca had informed Muu and everyone else about the recent events which they missed for a total of six and a half minutes. Muu was especially upset since he didn't want Naga anywhere near you or his son, Myron nearly told him that she knew where the village was but was able to keep quiet, especially after Scheherazade told her not to. Even if she didn't listen to you, she would listen to the magi of the Reim Empire. 

- Something is off though. Luca said and Muu gave him a confused look.

- What do you mean?

- Leo said that he was anything but offensive and even behaved when our mother treated his wounds. Maybe he isn't as evil and wicked as we think. He said and Muu didn't seem to share this belief.

- He tried to kill (Name), he wants to kill my son.

- Even so... (Name) must know more about this, I'll talk to her and then inform you all too. Okay? Luca said before leaving.

- Brother, I think Luca might be right.

- I don't know, Myron. Muu said and everyone left with the exception of Scheherazade who was looking at the sky, she had seen Naga's ruckh and knew that he could be saved from the darkness Azura had tried to force on him. The dark ruckh on him was in an extremely small amount and that gave her hope.

 As for Naga himself he still couldn't understand why you didn't consider him an exiled assasin... even if the penalty lasted for nine years, after his attempt to kill you it would be natural for him to be considered a traitor. Maybe even though he considered himself exiled... there was hope to regain a past he had so unfairly lost.

Assasin of hearts (Yandere Muu Alexious x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now