Meeting the empress.

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 You watched as a fellow assasin brought you a large brown stallion, the horse was clearly strong seeing it's good health and strong spirit. Riku was already on the horse and once you got on it as well you made sure that your son would not fall, true he could walk and sometimes say a few words but he was still small and an easy target. 

- Is everyone ready? You asked and glanced behind at the small group that would accompany you, your brothers and Leo included.

- All set sister. Naga said and you nodded. You all left immediately, not looking behind with the horses simply walking for now.Night had yet to come for it was a last minute decision to leave before dark, you also planed on being far away from the capital when the new day came. You had left a letter to Muu explaining that you had picked this time to fullfill your mission. You hadn't given him a date upon you planned to return should you succeed in this mission... you didn't even express any sign of love in case you did not return. You planned to write a different letter should that be the case. 

- Big sister! Are you sure that you want to do this NOW?! Luca asked and you sighed.

- With three countries already at war, the emperor and the empress will both be focused on Magnostadt and Reim. This is perhaps the best moment to act...

- But won't they suspect that one of either country will attempt assasination? They can't be that stupid!!! Leo said and Naga snorted.

- I beg to differ, the emperor of Kou is completely useless, unlike his older brother. The empress is also mostly interested in something else, it's not the war... that much is clear. But I have to wonder what that might be...

- Whatever it is, it shall end with her death. You proclaimed and Naga chuckled.

- Or with ours. Something tells me that she'll be the real obstactle.

- Not if I use her own power against her. You said and looked at Naga, he blinked a moment and he suddenly realized what you meant.

- Oh no! I am not going to become bait for that witch!!! He proclaimed clearly offended. 

- Why not? Are you not confident in your looks brother? You asked and he frowned.

- What makes you think she'll even attempt to make a move on me?

- She may be insane or even diabolical... but she is still a woman. And you my dear brother, are the most handsome among the males I know. You said and Leo huffed.

- You're saying that because you're twins or something? He asked and you laughed.

- No, if I must be honest I think his looks far surpass mine. You admitted, you slowly noticed that the sun was starting to fade, allowing the darkness of night to expand above the earth. You all sped up and hoped to at least pass the borders of Reim.

  Meanwhile in the palace Muu was preparing for battle, his mind though was filled with you and your decision to take action now. He had to wonder if you made that decision on your own or if someone else  persuaded you to do so... either way he was worried to the extreme about you. To top it all you had taken Riku as well and that made him all the more delusional about what kind of fate awaited both of you should you fail. 

- Brother... we should get going. Myron said and Muu only nodded as a sign that he heard her, the two of them got on the ship and sat there silent. Myron felt sad and angry to see her brother falling into despair yet again, she didn't blame you for she knew that this was your duty and she knew that at some point that would benefit Reim. Despite that she was a bit mad at you for not telling them personally.  

- I just hope she's okay. Muu said and Lo'lo touched his shoulder.

- She can take on four Fanalis on her own, we saw her during training and she had proved to a very strong woman, despite not having a metal vessel. He said and suddenly an idea popped into Muu's mind, he could sent you a letter... in which he would ask you to at least try and conquer a dungeon... any dungeon! 

- Do we know if her mother has left as well?

- No, she is still at the palace. Myron said, Muu told her what to do and before the ship could leave he wrote down the letter while Myron asked a servant and told him to deliver it. Ten minutes later the ships left from Reim, heading towards Magnostadt. 


 At the palace of the Kou empire everyone were worried for the emperor was dead, meanwhile no one had noticed that the empress herself seemed intrigued by two metal vessel users who appeared out of nowhere, they were twins and both good looking and excellent warriors. Gyouken had looked at them with fake kindness and spoke to them gently, unaware of their true identities. These metal vessel users were you and your brother as one might guess... and boy were you happy to see Gyouken trying to get you to join Al Thamen. Both you and Naga pretended to be more interested on the rest of the metal vessel users such as the first prince and his brothers. The empress also seemed to notice Naga's sharp tongue as he would at times leave a few nasty comments when you spoke, all of them done for the sake of her getting to like him... and it was working. It wasn't long before you noticed the empress trying to look seductive, your suspicions were correct... a devil she might be but she was born a woman, a lesson you learnt when a report came from Sindria. A female assasin nearly revealed everything to king Sinbad due to his good looks and charming personality, it was a good thing that a male assasin was nearby to shut her up. 

- Naga... would you like you and your sister to join me this afternoon? Gyouken asked, you knew she would go back to emperor's dead body and so you kindly refused... Naga however didn't, he said he wished to show his respect to the emperor and say farewell to another great ruler. Gyouken seemed pleased and took him along, giving you a small glance... you purposely placed a frown on your face and had your eyes stuck on Naga. Things were going according to plan.

Assasin of hearts (Yandere Muu Alexious x Reader)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя