Fanalis vs Assasin pt. 2

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Ever since that night Muu had changed a lot, he was more clingy and wanted to be with you all day, everyday... something that you really didn't like.

If you ever left his side for more than a few minutes he would create a ruckus and make the entire palace a mess in search of you. You were beginning to wonder if what Leo said was true after all that.

Another thing that Muu seemed to be doing a lot lately was driving all males away from you, he would pull you closer or give stern glares to anyone who would look at you even for a minute. 

You really had to wonder if he was afraid he was going to lose you as a lover or as an ally. Then again, Leo didn't seem to be any different. All this time he would follow you both from great distance and despite his best efforts he had failed to make you change your mind.

"Why?" He asked frustrated as you looked around, fearing that Muu might see you both.

"Don't you understand Leo? Things have changed a lot... he and I... well, we've come... close, closer than I ever imagined." You explained and his eyes lost their light.

"How close are you talking about, exactly?" He asked hinting his image of close, you looked away as a blush made its way to your face, even though you and Muu had done it once and even if it had been a while, you still felt embarrassed to talk about it with anyone, especially Leo and especially after his confession. 

As if giving him the answer he feared he pulled you closer and kissed you... you panicked as hundrends of thoughts entered your mind, with a quick move you kicked him his stomach causing him to stop and grunt in pain before you run off, your assasin speed and knowledge already giving you an idea as to where you should hide. You went to Myron's room where you found her polishing her armor.

"Hi (Name)." She greeted with a friendly tone, her expression changed upon seeing your terryfied face. You came closer and sat on a nearby chair, you took a deep breath and decided to get the opinion of a third party in this matter.

"Myron... I have a very big problem..."

"What is it?"

"Your brother and my childhood friend Leo are competing to see probably who's the better charmer and I am the big prize." You mumbled and her eyes widened.

"What? How long has this been going on?"

"For quite a while now, which also explains your brother's bizzare actions if you've noticed."

"I though it was because you two were too serious about this relationship. My brother must really love you if he got so overprotective."

"And I love him back... but I don't want my best friend and the man I love to fight over me. Leo says you are all just using me... while Muu says that he's trying to confuse me and take me away from all of you now that I know the truth about him."

"Wait, wait, wait... what truth?"

"Leo confessed to me, he said that he's in love with me, he also said that this had been the case for years. More specifically, our entire lives."

"Oh god!!! This is such a pain!!! Who do you love?"

"In what way?"

"Romantically, duh!" Myron exclaimed and you looked down, you were blushing like crazy and you knew it.

"Your brother... I love... your brother." You admitted and you heard laughter from the other side of the room, you turned and saw Muu looking at you with a bright smile, when you realized that he must have heard everything from the very start... you could only look away with your entire face red as a tomato. This had to be the second most embarrassing moment of your entire life. Why did that have to happen now?

"I'm glad to know your feelings are as strong as mine." He confessed as he pulled you closer. 

Suddenly the window to Myron's room was shattered and Leo was before the three of you. When he saw you in Muu's arms he charged against him without a second to spare... and neither did you, you went in front of him and attacked Leo, pushing him away, the two of you had a very quick fight in Myron's room before jumbing off the window where you two continued to fight.

"Are you so blinded that you would betray our home, your family and friends?" He asked enraged as his sword scratched your arm, you hissed and pulled out your daggers as you sent them to him, they caught the fabric of his trousers and binded him to the ground as you kicked him on the side and made him fall down before using a mix of herbs to make him lose his senses and doze off.

"Are YOU so blinded by jealousy that you just wont accept a different view on things?" You whispered as you stood there, feeling such a great pain in your heart.

"(Name)!!!" Myron shouted as she and Muu came closer, you looked at them and then your friend.

"Myron... please take him to the forest and leave him on a tree, any tree. I just want him to go home and leave things be." You begged with a shaky voice, this wasn't easy but you had to convince Leo one way or another that the Fanalis Corps, wouldn't hurt any of you.

"Only because you say so (Name)." Myron grumbled as she removed the daggers from the fabric and took him on her back, due to her Fanalis strength it didn't seem hard for her to carry him around. 

Once they were out of sight, you finally felt tears on your eyes. Muu saw that and hugged you, you felt a weird sense of safety in his arms as you slowly looked up to him, his smile was as gentle as always and full of adoration.

"I never would have thought you would protect me like that, you really are my guardian angel." He teased as he brought his lips on yours, the kiss lasted for a while before eventually both of you returned to your room and slept there. 

Muu looked at the sky in triumpth feeling that he had definetely won over that assasin boy and that your love for him would grow even bigger than that, just as his would too.

The heavens were smilling at him, you were his and he was yours. This love would never be defeated, he would defend it no matter what.

Even if he had to go against the entire empire for you, he'd protect the love you had for him. And destroy whoever threatened to take you from him... starting with that assasin brat.

Assasin of hearts (Yandere Muu Alexious x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now