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" What... what do you mean?" You asked as he looked at you serious, your heartbeat had increased drastically and you desperately tried to keep yourself calm, with little results.

" All these years I always felt someone watch over me, like an extra shadow, someone who was always there... looking at me, observing me. I was never able to meet that person though, no matter how much I trained my senses. That someone was you, right?"

  He knew?! How?! He shouldn't be able to know!!!! If he knew then you had failed in an extremely important part of your job. 

This wasn't happening, you didn't want to believe that something like this was happening to you right now!!! You had to find an shut this down, NOW!!! 

" You're wrong, it wasn't me. It could have been another assasin, someone less experienced." You suggested in an attempt to cover up this slip off. 

" No, I had seen these (e/c) eyes once, just for a mere second, when I saw you the first time you came here... I recognized that same gaze. The same gaze that was always there guarding me."

" Guarding you? Oh please!!! You're out of your mind, I'd never-"

" Then how come you knew me, how is it that you knew my moves, my fighting abilities... you even had a poison strong enough to send a Fanalis to the bed ready to die, yet you saved Myron willingly and went so far as to come here despite the danger of being caught. Why did you do it?"

" I cannot kill an innocent person. It's against everything I work for, everything I fight for!!! She had done no mistake... I couldn't let her die because of my own personal hatred. And I wanted to kill you, naturally I was preparing for that moment, any assasin would."

"You spoke about.... hatred. For what? Why do you hate me this much and refuse to let me repent?" He asked you and you sighed, this again?

" Why do you care so much? Why is it so damn important to you? You want an assasin ally? Go find an assasin and get to know him or her because I have no interest in joining forces with you." You replied reasonably and he smiled.

"No, that's not the reason."

" Then what is?" You asked and he chuckled.

" If you tell me why you hate me, I'll tell you my reason as well." He teased and your raised an eyebrow.

" Are you trying to make a deal with me?

" What if I am? What does that mean to you?"

" That you're even more lame than what I originally thought." You shot back and turned to leave only to be forced back by a hand holding your wrist.

" You're one cruel angel."

" Angel? Me? If so, then you're a demon. My natural enemy." You hissed and tried to leave but he just wouldn't let go.

" Then I suppose I will never be able to earn your affections?"

" Will you quit it? I've had enough of this drama, I want no more talking with you. We're enemies, that's final." You said and he finally let go, you left your room without caring much about your destination, you just wanted to walk.

 As you took a few strolls around the castle you came across more Fanalis who seemed happy to see you, you didn't know why and at some point you didn't want to know. 

You decided to go to a garden and came across Scheherazade, she looked at you for a moment and smiled.

" Good evening." She greeted while looking at you gently, you frowned but decided to reply, even if you didn't really like her that much you couldn't ignore the fact that she was a magi.

" Good evening, lady Scheherazade." You replied with a small bow and decide to leave before her voice stopped you.

" I would like to thank you, you saved a member of the Fanalis Corps... you didn't have to do it but you did it regardless of that. I am happy to see such kindness in the citizens of Reim."

" I was the reason she was poisoned in the first place, I only corrected a mistake. And I plan on correcting another one... but this time there will be blood." You announced and her eyes widen as you gave her a quick glance.

" Why? Is there unfairness in Reim?"

" More than you can imagine, your grace."

" Is that why you became assasin?"

" This is something I cannot talk about. Excuse me, your majesty." You answered and left without another word, you decided to pay a visit to Leo again.

 On your way there you met yet another unpleasant figure, this time it was Muu's younger sister, Myron. She looked at you but didn't attempt to touch you this time.

" Hey!" She said with a small, forced smile but you ignored her and kept on walking, she began following you and eventually she touched the fur on your uniform.

" go." You said flatly but she ignored you and asked.

"Where did you get that?" 

" None of your buisness, Fanalis."

" Geez, is that any way to talk to someone who wants to be your friend?" Another voice joined in, it was Lo'lo. 

You shrugged and decided it was pointless to pick a fight so you yanked the fur off and just kept going with them following right behind you.

" So? Where did you get such a fur? And the way you're dressed doesn't really look like that of an assasin." She commented as she watched your clothing. 

You looked back and glared at her annoyed.

" My fashion choices aren't really your concern, are they?" You replied and she smiled.

" Nope but I don't think it's a good idea to walk around with that all the time. Especially in tonights party." She replied and Lo'lo grinned as he remembered tonights celebration.

" True, our Captain has specifically asked for this party, hasn't he?" 

" Yep, Nii san has indeed asked for it. And you better look good so that you can go there."

" I have no interest in going to a party organized by him." You replied coldly and kept on going until eventually you reached your friend's room. 

Before you could open the door though two pair of hands had already caught you, two Fanalis women were holding you and dragged you to you room despite your best attempts to escape.

" We have a lot of work ahead of us, so stop struggling!" One of them said and squeezed your arm, you shouted in pain and Myron suddenly smacked them.

"Don't do that, idiots!!! What if she ends up with a bruise or a broked bone?" She said and your eyes widen.

" Sorry." She replied and you just couldn't believe what was happening.

" Don't worry, it wont happen again." Myron assured and lightly hit your back.

 Was that supposed to happen? 

Muu had called you an angel... and you called him a demon... yet why was it that these demons here were acting like angels? 

What the hell was wrong in this place?

Assasin of hearts (Yandere Muu Alexious x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now