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You were preparing to leave for the mission bestowed to you. Taking a last look on the mirror you nodded in approval.

Your outfit was unique, you were wearing something that was made out of your fathers old uniform and a few items that your mother used to have when she was in action. It was shiny, dark and despite the metal, it never made a sound when you landed on a roof or inside a room, no one ever noticed despite its shine.

Which was both perfect and mysterious at the same time.


You turned your gaze at the widow, praying for success before hearing a knock on the door, you turned and saw your mother

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You turned your gaze at the widow, praying for success before hearing a knock on the door, you turned and saw your mother. You left a heavy sigh, you knew that look she had. 

" Are you really going to go?"

" It's an important mission, mom. One of them who brought my father's body back to us is in danger... I have to do it, I have to repay him for all the kidness he showed to us after our family remained with an empty position." 

" I know... but it's just that.... ugh! I'm your mother, it's my job to worry." She said and gave you a hug. 

" I'm just going to take someone back..."

" From a palace filled with soldiers and the Fanalis Corps. From... him"

" I promise you, I won't attack unless I have to... my mission isn't to fight or kill them, just to take someone back from them."

" Promise me that you'll keep your word."

" I promise." You replied, not really sure if you could keep that promise but still, you left to meet the rest of the team, they were all waiting for you at the entrance of the village. 

From there all of you went towards the palace, no breaks for anyone.

Upon approaching you came across a few guards, you brought out a small ball that contained a mix of herbs that made them sleepy within seconds before the team splitted in half, you, Leo and Gaspar went towards the prison and the other three members of the team went to knock out more soldiers with the same mix.

 You all moved silently, unoticed by guards and servants alike, suddenly you heard a very familiar voice, you looked up and saw Muu Alexius with a few members of the Fanalis Corps. You looked at them with hatred but contained your desire to kill them, now was not the time... not yet. You kept telling that to yourself as you moved forward with everyone else, as you made your way towards the prison you saw a bunch of guards standing there. Typical palace security. 

" What do we do now?" You whispered to your superior.

" We wound them and then leave." Leo said but Gaspar shook his head.

" We'll use the same mix as before, if that doesn't work... then we wound them." He advised and you nodded. 

You placed a large amount of the mix before slowly backing away and hid in a room, covering your nose and mouth for good measure. 

You waited for half an hour before leaving, you took a quick glance and when you saw them all down you smiled, you took the keys as Leo and Gaspar slowly moved the guards away, you entered the prison and ran by the cells until you saw Leo's father, Jackal. 

You hakted instantly and slowly opened the cell. With a quick look you could tell he was badly injured... dammit! This was going to make everything harder for all of you.

" Leo, sir Gaspar... come here. I found him." You whispered and once they saw him they didn't hesitate at all, they took him by the shoulders and began making their way out, as you run through the halls you came across six individuals that all looked exactly the same... Fanalis!!!

" Get them!!!" A male said and they all charged at you four.

"Go!!! I'll slow them down as much as I can! Take him back!!!" You ordered and then you charged at them as well, you watched and slowly made calculations. 

Three out of the six went from the left and the other three from your right as the other assasins jumped off the window. You placed a hidden blade on the ground and did a very special trick you've learnt from your teachers. 

As you pierced the floor you began spinning around and kicking everyone, the fanalis were surprised but kept on going, or at least they tried.Because of your movements changing, they were forced to repeat the same attack and so you were able to read their movements better and deliver some pretty strong blows to make them take a few steps back and thus giving you some space. 

Eventually you gathered all of your body together in one powerfull jumb and then began spining mid air, you brought out six daggers, as you spined the blades sliced each one of them, they didn't kill them but they were enough to wound them badly, they were poisoned after all. 

After a quick glance on their wounds you jumped off the window, there you saw all the other assasins gather but before you could move something like black energy passed in front of you. You turned around and saw three more Fanalis, among them was Muu Alexius whose sword was glowing with the same dark energy. It was his metal vessel.

He instanly stopped as he took a good look at you, his eyes met yours for a brief minute, you glared at him and nearly lost control of you anger. "Kill him, Kill him now!!!" a voice inside your mind screamed, it was so powerfull and tempting but you knew better than go into a fight with him, a second energy passed by and you turned your gaze to Fanalis female next to him, she came towards you ready to attack again, you took one of the blades you used earlier and placed a different mix, this one was a combination of three powerfull snake poisons, the antidote had to be given in a correct order... otherwise it could even more deadly than the poison itself, you leaped forward, throwing four simple knifes to distract them before sending the poisoned knife, it scrached her right arm from where the energy came from, you weren't going to kill her. You had no order to kill nor were you interested in doing so but your action could be seen as self defense... and with that in mind, you decided to leave but before you dissapeared you heard Muu whisper something. 

Because of the jump the air was strong but his words were clear enough for you to hear.

" My guardian angel..."

You were confused but didn't bother thinking about it at the moment, you kept on running, your friends further ahead as you all dissapeared into the night.


This was seriously annoying.

You were finally back at the village and you were trying to forget what you've just heard, surely you heard wrong... surely. He can't have really said something like that, he knew nothing about you. 

" (Name), you did it... my precious little girl... you kept your word." Your mother said as she embraced you, she was so proud of you, she was practically beaming.

" Mom... can I please rest?" You asked and she nodded, she left you and you changed back to your ordinary clothes before falling on your bed, you closed your eyes and prayed silently that you hadn't just made a big mistake by poisoning that Fanalis girl.

The last thing you wanted was the blood of innocent person on your hands.

Assasin of hearts (Yandere Muu Alexious x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now