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It's been one month since the day you escaped, you've been feeling strange lately, it was as if you had chains holding your body back and your mother noticed that easily.

"(Name), what's wrong with you? You seem to have lost your determination, your passion for justice." She commented and you raised your head to look at her, maybe it would be a good idea to finally talk about it.

" Lately, I've been thinking about the Fanalis Corps and..."

" Muu Alexius?" 

" Yes... he's so different than the person I was hoping to discover when I finally got to talk to him..."

" Different? In what way?"

" He was... kind and... he was just so friendly and at some point..."

" At some point what?"

" He kissed me." You admitted and looked at your hands, you hated the idea that he kissed you, you hated the fact that you were starting to actually justify him at some point. 

Your mind went back to when you did a deep and long research and found no trace of wickedness in his records. You spent hours looking at those records but you found nothing... he was indeed noble, that alone was pissing you off to no end.

" He kissed you?! Why?"

" I don't know!!!! He wanted to know why I hated him so much... I wouldn't tell him and he might had seen it as a challenge."

" Oh (Name), have you fallen in love with this man?" Your mother asked and you shot your head up, you were NOT in love with Muu Alexius, you only felt that your mother's original words were now indeed a good idea... that you shouldn't hunt Muu Alexius... even if he did kill your father he must have had a good excuse, maybe he was tricked by your father's target or maybe he saved a member from the Fanalis Corps there. 

You've discovered that he had found all of his comrades and that he had taken them with him, if he hadn't they would have been slaves.

" No, mother... I just think that what you told me was right. That I shouldn't pursue vengeance or hunt this man for a crime that I don't really understand, I wasn't there... and thus I don't know what the case really was." 

" That's a wise choice, my child. It's best to put the past behind us, we can never move one if we're always stuck to one way of thinking. Maybe that kiss had that effect on you."

" Effect?"

" You've matured and your heart has learnt to forgive, that's truly remarkable." She explained and then hugged you.

"Mother, I'll go to town tonight. Do you think that I should make peace with him?"

" No, you shouldn't speak with him again." She said as she moved away, her face was serious and her tone stoic.

" But I thought-"

" I know what I said... however there is something on that man that makes me worried. His determination hasn't dissapeared yet and there is in all of this." She interrupted and your eyes widen.

" What's that supposed to mean?"

" The Fanalis are still looking for you and Leo, they are now checking forests and villages that are on the borders of Reim. Thankfully our village is hidden and only an assasin knows how to get here so he wont find it but if you go... I'm sure he's going to go out of control." She replied and your jaw dropped, after what you heard, you could tell that things were already out of control!!!

" Mother, I have to go then. I will learn what is it that he wants and once I give him my answer I will dissapear."

" No (Name), it's too dangerous. I refuse to let you go inside the wolf's mouth again." 

" But-"

" No buts!!! What if he wants you dead? If you've wounded his pride and heart he will not listen to reason. He will most certainly kill you!"

" How are you so sure?"

" I'm not but try thinking about it a bit. Why would he be so persistant? His search is even more strict and extended and his-"

"  Miss Ramona!!! (Name)!!!!" Leo shouted as he entered your house, his face pale and his body betrayed his fear.

" What's wrong?" You asked and he panted a bit before he spoke again.

" We're under attack!!! The Fanalis Corps are here!!!!" He answered and now the two of you paled.

" WHAT?!" You shouted as you took your daggers, your poisons, your antidotes and all the equipment you had with you. 

Your mother came along to find Luca, Leo and you began heading for the village's entrance.  

Suddenly a form appeared before you and attempted to kick you but stopped midway. You saw Myron staring at you suprised before taking a step backwards.

"You!!!" She hissed and gave you a glare.

" (Name)!!!" Leo called out but you were already attacking Myron. She dodged your attacks as you kept trying to slice her with your daggers. The moves seemed random but you were calculating the speed of her movements and looking for an opening. 

Eventually you managed to slice her wrists making it impossible for her to punch you. She tried to kick you but Leo got in the way and stabbed her leg with one of his knifes. 

Myron screamed in pain and fell on the ground. You smiled but after seeing her in pain you felt some sort of pity, you dropped a small powder, it was a mix of herbs that helped in healing, it made most of the pain dissapear and helped in stopping large amounts of bleeding. 

Before you followed Leo, you placed a few bandages in with the powder and told her.

" This will help. Just don't use it all at once, got it?" 

Her eyes widen before you vanished. You began searching for Luca as you shouted his name.

" BIG SISTER!!!" A shout came and you looked down, your blood froze as you saw Muu directing the blade of his metal vessel towards your little brother.


" Leave him alone!!!" You shouted as you jumbed down. Muu looked at the boy and then at you, suddenly a smile made it's way to his face. He had put two and two together and you could tell he was up to something.

" I never knew you had a family."

" LET.HIM.GO!!!" You roared and his smile became wider.

" Okay, okay. I don't want trouble." He replied as he removed the sword from Luca's direction

 Your little brother came running towards you. You looked at his crying form and hugged him tightly. He had began his training but he hadn't gone out of the village yet, he knew nothing of the true cruelty this world kept hidden.

" Are you okay?" You asked and he nodded.

" (Name)." Muu interrupted, your attention returned to him and his gentle gaze.

" Why are you here? What do you want from them?"

" I want nothing from them. I just want to make an alliance with your village."

" No way." A voice said from behind as you saw every assasin of the village behind you. They placed the bodies of the unconcious Fanalis near Muu and, with the exception of Myron, they were all perfectly fine.

" I only want something that can benefit us all."

" What could that be? Your mother asked as she took you and your brother in her arms."

" I will leave peacefully and never come here but in exchange I want your daughter for myself." 


Assasin of hearts (Yandere Muu Alexious x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now