Clock's tick

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It's been two days since the maid incident and god... things had been really weird. Scheherazade had been far more anxious as she seemed to sense and upcoming disaster... on the other hand Myron and Naga had began spending a ridiculously large amount of time together and they seemed to act like a couple... you wondered if Lo'lo had any chances at all with her, however the most important event that was currently happening was the fact that nobles of Reim had been trying to enter the Alexius line through marriage, many families had been trying to persuade both you and Muu to engage your son to their daughters regardless if they were a bit younger or a bit older than him... and you hated it. Your son would NOT be married off to a noble lady if he didn't wish for it and you certainly wouldn't force him to do something like from the moment that he could barely speak and walk, he was too young for all this.

- Don't worry, I would never agree to something like that. Muu said, though he seemed calm and relaxed there was a dark and omnious aura around him... one that you had felt when the whole spat between him and Leo had began. You had to wonder if something happened between the two or if you should not get involved... there was still the assasination of the emperor and the empress of Kou. That thought was pushed aside as a servant came running towards you both.

- Lord Muu!!! You are requested at the throne room. The servant said and you frowned, why only him?

- What is it?

- Magnostadt has declaired war to us. He said and that caught off guard, Magnostadt... the country of magicians? You looked at Muu who seemed calm and relaxed... it scared you to wonder what would happen between the Fanalis Corps and the magicians. You recalled that the name of their current ruler was Mogamett Matal. Was this man insane or overconfident.

- Is there a reason for going to such extreme measures? You asked and the servant shook his head, clearly unaware. Muu left the two of you as he went to the throne room... with all that had occured, a war was the cherry on top... was that what was causing Scheherazade's nervousness? If so... then Mogamett had something important in his possession... but what could that be? 

- Sister, what is troubling you? Luca said and you turned around to see him, he looked quite happy about something and you really didn't want to ruin it.

- Nothing... do you know if Naga is still sleeping?

- He is still asleep... but Riku is awake, I left him in the care of a few fellow assasin women. Oh! They wanted to speak with you about something, you should go at the garden. He said and you nodded, you left without talking since you were curious as to what they wanted. As you reached the garden you saw how much they enjoyed playing with your son, they had given him a small wooden sword which he was recklessly swinging up and down, maybe he was trying to look like you or like Muu when he would bring his metal vessel out. You chuckled at that and the women watching him heard you, they turned around giving a small bow before talking.

- Lady (Name), we have been watching things over at Magnostadt as your brother requested of us two days before the assasination of the emperor. We have information that might interest you.

- What is it? You asked and one of them stood up.

- There has been a clone of Reim's magi, his name is Titus Alexius. He had been sent to Magnostadt propably as a spy or for some sort of mission which is unclear to us yet. Lord Mogamett refused to hand him to lady Scheherazade, we believe that this is the main reason for this war as well as expanding the borders or Reim. She said and you frowned.

- Has this boy expressed the desire to return to Reim? If he hasn't then this was is meaningless.

- No, we do not know. However if that is the case there is still the demand that Magnostadt must become a province of Reim.

- Not to mention that the Kou empire desires the same thing. The second woman said as she held Riku in her arms.

- Then both the Kou empire and Reim are fools. You said darkly, unable to understand the value of this whole situation. The country of the magicians should be left well enough alone, you never know whom you might encounter there. Despite them not having a magi, you believed they had a fair chance of winning... you and your clan of assasins had not been summoned and you were gratefull to the heavens for that. Still... you feared that this war would bring back the dark side of Muu... if that happened you would be forced to fight him or leave him yet again. And this time you would give him no room for forgiveness or regret. 

- Go and gather a small group of assasins... I want supplies and horses as well as weapons in case of unexpected attacks. You said and they seemed confused.

- Where do you plan to go, lady (Name)?

- I am going to the Kou empire... I will finish my mission and then stay for a while at our new village in Kou, meanwhile I want everyone to be on high alert. You said and both seemed worried, you attempting to kill the emperor and the empress could cost you your life but it was of no matter now... things were already going from bad to worse, your death would be nothing compared to the thousands that would loose their lives. 

- When will you be departing my lady? One of the women asked as you took Riku in your arms, you gave him a sad look before answering.

- Tonight.

Assasin of hearts (Yandere Muu Alexious x Reader)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu