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It had been a week since Muu tried to get you back, he was still in the Kou empire but didn't try to approach you, you knew very well how much your words had hurt him. He was staying away probably as to not provoke you any further. As for the Ren siblings, they had been coming day after day, along with Judal and were learning the way of the assasins. They were fascinated by the things you taught them, of the secrets that revealed how proffesional assasins worked and how much more there actually was other than killing people.

The only problem were your children, obviously they wanted to see their father and talk to him... and you couldn't keep lying to them. You had to eventually speak part of the truth... you might had been an assasin, you might kill people but at least they deserved it. Some of the people had killed were innocent and might had even been mislead by others, that was something that was making you worry, if he was killing so blindly and if he was willing to truly ruin everything you and your people worked for... because of Muu, people were turning against you and your assasins. Not to mention that his dark ruckh was rather unsettling, you weren't sure what it was that he really planned to do, now that he had fallen. 

- I must send a letter to Titus, he should be able to help. At least he can keep things under control back in Reim. You murmured to yourself,  when suddenly you saw a figure sneaking around the village, the individual was wearing a cape with a hood and was making sure not to attract the attention of those around, too bad you noticed them. You were about to leave your office and question this person when they looked up and locked eyes with you... it was Muu!!! 

- My lady, there is a meeting you need to attend. An assasin said from the other side of the door.

- Come inside for a moment. You said and he did as he was told. You stepped away from the window and took a deep breath, trying to calm down.

- Lady (Name), is something wrong?

- Listen carefully, Muu Alexius is in the village. He is wearing a brown cape with a hood and is walking around the village, have a team keep an eye on him, don't let him notice you and don't attack unless he tries to harm someone, understood? 

- Yes, I understand. He replied and left to do as ordered. You couldn't scream at your people to grab him and bring him to you, the chaos that would errupt would leave a lot of opening for him to escape or do something that could put your people in greater danger. 

- I should have known he wouldn't just stop. You hissed and left for your meeting, it was about the new security measures you wanted to apply and with Muu's appearance here, clearly you needed to do it and fast.

 Meanwhile Muu was unsure what to expect now that you knew he was here. He only came to see his children, given that you were still mad at him... he was worried that his children were angry with him too, it was too much to take.  He had killed those people because they were indeed rotten to the core, without any desire to change their way of thinking and some were even thinking of joining you just so they could torment you and bring you down from your position as leader... death was his way of showing mercy, given what he really wanted to do to them. What he had done to Leo was nothing in comparison to his current desire for torture, however this desire to torture  wasn't only directed to those who he had killed already but also to those who were still trying to pursuade you that he was a moster, like Naga and Leo. He knew that you were smart, yet you were too trusting... you couldn't see what they were doing to you. They were turning you against him, manipulating your mind and confusing you into thinking that he was doing something wrong. Muu wasn't angry at you, he could never be mad at you, you had accepted even the darkest parts of him and had given him your love and care, just like always wanted... but they would have to dissapear if he wanted to ever get you back.  

His attention returned to the task at hand, he needed to get inside your house, maybe you were with kids already or maybe you were planning something completely different, either way he wasn't going to give up. He saw an open window on the first floor, it was on the far east corner of the building and from the looks of it, it was due to the cleaning that was going on, he saw women move objects, carry buckets and mops... perhaps this was the only chance he could get. With a quick look around he made sure that no one was around before jumping and entering the building. He moved quickly, not wanting to let himself be seen by anyone, keeping his senses sharp and searching for anything that indicated that his children were close by. When he heard someone giggle and try to speak, he looked towards the stairs, he would recognize his daughter's voice anywhere. He knew that she was around the age where she should be saying a few things, after all he had been ecstatic when she said "Baba" meaning papa. He moved to the second floor and eventually saw an open door, from inside he could hear Riku's voice.

- Finally. He whispered and approached, taking his cloack off as he entered the room. The sight of his son and daughter playing with some wooden figures was precious, Riku was holding a toy dragon and Cora was using a princess figure to try and beat the dragon. Muu chuckled and that got their attention, turning to look at him and smilling widely as they both recognized him.

- Dad!!! Riku shouted as he run off to hug his father, Cora raising her little hands, asking for a hug herself. Muu came closer and took her in his arms, holding his children close to his chest. He was glad that they weren't angry at him.

- It's been a while, you've both grown up. He said and Riku looked at him excited.

- Does that mean that we can all go back home? He asked and Muu's relief was gone in a flash.

- No, not yet. A voice said, all three turned over to look at you, standing at the door, your hands crossed and your expression unreadable.

- Why not? Riku asked, clearly sad at the news.

- Because your father and I, need to... talk. You said, as you locked eyes with Muu. He sighed and placed Riku and Cora on the ground, the two of you went over to a different room, far enough to ensure the kids couldn't hear you.

- (Name) I know that you're mad... but I couldn't go on without seeing my own children! Please, don't keep them away from me! Even if you can't forgive me, that's too much! Muu said in clear desperation.

- Too much? Do you have any idea, what you had done? What you were going to do a week ago? You asked and he seemed suprised.

- I... I...

- You were actually going to attack the village, you were going to force me to go back even if I resisted. Do you really think that I am overeacting considering your actions? You asked coldly and Muu just couldn't bare your rejection, it was like when you two first met, when your hatred for him was so strong, it could overpower reason... if anything that was the most painfull thing of all. In the heat of the moment, Muu pulled you into his arms in a tight embrace. One of his hands began brushing your hair as he took in your scent, it was sweet and it calmed him. Your efforts to distance yourself without causing him harm were useless, given that he was a Fanalis. 

- I'm sorry... but I'm going to die if I can't be with you... if I can't hold you, if I can't give you my love... it's too painfull. He whispred and you raised your head to look at him, it was a big mistake as he took the opportunity to kiss you. The time he spent away from you, urging him to claim you, to mark every part of your body. And as for you... you were actually loosing the will to resist as he got more passionate, making this kiss deeper and deeper until you were incapable of forming clear thoughts altogether. When the two of you broke for air, you were a blushing mess.

- It was an unfair fight, indeed. You said, you could hurt him with your words and distance yourself... but his actions could easily erase your words and pull you towards him,  making you want him more and more... maybe you were as crazy as he was, because even though you knew what he had done, what he was... you couldn't help but love him.

- What do you mean?

- I'm not going to forgive you yet... but you can see Riku and Cora, if I keep you from them then I am tormenting them as well... and I don't want that.

- Thank you, my love. He said with a warm smile, although he never wished for it, his children were actually what he needed to get you to come back to him... his children were the key to earn your forgiveness... and he would use this to have you once again.

Assasin of hearts (Yandere Muu Alexious x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now