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Two days after the three princes made the decision to summon you, a report came from your assasins saying that there was yet another group on the loose who had nothing to do with the village or the morals you all represented. It was alerting and so you asked Naga about it, he himself wasn't sure if they were followers of Azura or if you were talking about a new threat. Muu was also extremely upset when the invitation came, he didn't want you to go to Kou while pregnant... but you all knew that if you didn't things would get complicated. Titus offered to come along but you assured him that there was no need for any of that, besides Reim would need their magi more than they'd need you.

- So... we're having a field trip to Kou? Leo asked and you nodded, Luca left a small sigh and shook his head.

- I wonder when we'll get a break from all the drama. 

- We're assasins, drama is part of our daily lives. Naga said and Luca nodded.

- True... still, it'd be nice if the big guy upwards decides to take pity on us and let us relax more than just two months. Luca said and looked up annoyed, you chuckled and looked at your growing stomach... it made you wonder what would happen... you didn't plan to die now, not when you were having an innocent life inside you. But you knew that you couldn't escape it forever.... one day you'd be defeated and killed, you just wished it'd happen after your second child was born... and not before.

- What are you thinking (Name)? Muu asked although he knew the answer.

- Not much, I'm mostly worried about our baby. You said and he sighed, he brought his arms on your shoulders and rubbed them gently. Muu was angry because he really couldn't do anything when it came down to serious matters involving you... he always seemed to be a secondary character in your life and he hated it. He was supposed to be the a protagonist in your life as well!

- I'll come with you, I refuse to let you go to Kou without me.

- Muu this is-

- You are my wife, the woman I love with every cell of my being! You can't really expect me to just let you go like that. He said and you brought on arm on your face, covering your eyes and falling into deep thoughts. Was it really a good idea to bring Muu with you? If anyone tried anything in Kou and Muu found out, war could easily escalate from there.

- Sorry to break it to you brother in law, however you're not coming. Naga said and Muu glared at him, not happy that Naga was interrupting and was being sarcastic at a time like this.

- Don't interefere!

- I will because I'm also part of the plan. And if I recognize a face and you are there we'll probably have a funeral the very next day... not to mention you get jealous far too easily. You'll be more of a burden than help to us. Naga said and Muu growled.

- He is right Muu, you don't really control your temper when (Name) is involved. And should you loose your temper in Kou we might be forced to go to war. We cannot risk it. Leo said and Muu grinted his teeth as he glared both of them. 

- You can't possibly be serious!!!

- We are. Both males said and you sighed.

- Let him come. You finally said and everyone turned to you.

- What are you saying sister?! Naga asked.

- Because of my condition I am unable to fight, should something happen and you are all away Muu will be there to help me. You said and Muu smiled, excited at how he was finally going to do his part and assist you.

- Then it's decided, we're leaving for Kou in two days. Muu said and left to prepare everything for the journey.

- Now tell us the real reason behind your decision. Naga said and you raised an eyebrow.

- That's my true motive. I really have nothing to hide. You said and Leo sighed.

- So how about sending a reply to the Kou empire?

- Already done. You said and Leo chuckled.

- I should have known. 

- Now that this has been taken care of. We must go back to an old problem. How are the things in Heliohapt and Sindria? You asked all of them, they straighten up and cleared their throats.

- The village in Sindria has made a great impact on their daily lives, Sinbad is very worried about our intentions and is searching for it's location, also we had some new recruits when we released two caravans with slaves... there were Fanalis among them as well. Naga reported. 

- And what about Heliohapt?    

- Willow told us that the construction is almost complete and we have some new recruits already. Sir Gaspar, your old tutor went over and examined them all... in case we have any spies around. He said we have nothing to worry. Leo said and you nodded, Gaspar had been a honest man and a good judge of character, he was also loyal and did everything for the benefit of the village.

- Good... it seems our main objective has been achieved. You replied with a smile.

- True, still we can never be too carefull. Naga said and you nodded, the three males left in order to see if there was anything else that demanded a great amount of attention while you were left alone with Riku. The little boy could walk properly and he could also speak a bit, it made you wonder how he'd be in a few years... and if you'd be there to see him grow up. You shook your head angry at yourself for thinking like that.  Suddenly you saw a shadow vanish, you braced yourself and approached only to find no one there, you frowned at that. Either you were getting delusional... or someone was plotting to end you already.

Assasin of hearts (Yandere Muu Alexious x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now