Plots and traps.

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Things became tense after Muu and Leo had that conversation. Muu had requested some training to make sure that he does things exactly like you assasins... and you said no. The reason was simple, Muu already knew a lot about the assasins and letting him learn even more was obviously a bad move. You told him that it was like spy missions and that if he had any idea of the concept in general, then that was more than enough. That didn't really help since he insisted that it was necessary for him to learn the ways of the assasins... and then you just played the card of suspicions, asking him why he was really so set on learning the techniques of your people, you also told him that the reason you were sending Leo, Luca and Naga with him was because they could give him some help if needed. 

Aside from that, there was also a problem in the size of a mountain with the name Nerva Julius Caluades, prince of Reim. He had insisted that a marriage between him and YOUR daughter took place once she was sixteen. He clearly wanted control over the assasins and since you were out of the question he went for the next best thing.

 You recalled of how your mother had married when she was barely eighteen and gave birth to you and Naga in the same year, Luca arrived two years later.... and she had claimed that had it not been for your father being the man he was, she wouldn't have been so sure about that marriage. And now that sorry excuse of a prince was demanding a marriage with your daughter, to make it worse, your daughter was going to become a concubine to the prince, not the main wife. He was mocking you and you were going to make that asshole pay the price and it was going to hurt.

- We should kill him. Naga said and you rolled your eyes.

- That's what I want but I can't do it so simply.

- He wants to marry a two year old child! Do you have any idea how old he's going to be when she's sixteen?!

- I never said I was going to allow it. I'd have to be either crazy or heartless to force my own daughter into something so disgusting. What we need, is to ensure that there is an heir to continue the Caluades bloodline while taking Nerva out of the picture.

- Sooo... we basically send someone to stay pregnant from the current emperor, have her become a concubine or the empress... and once the child is born, Nerva is going to die.

- It won't be necessary to wait until the child is born. The moment we learn that she's pregnant with the emperor's child, we will also kill Nerva.

- Won't they suspect us? I mean, we are the only ones with the skills needed for something like that.

-  We will make it look like it was a conflict created by Nerva's extreme arrogance. One of out own will provoke Nerva, with witnesses from our circles and execute him on the spot. 

- That's interesting. Let's do it, we can also stage the death of that same person and send him over to one of our villages in the other kingdoms.

- Good, find a woman from our ranks, make sure she's willing to go and then procceed with the plan.

- And what if none is willing to do so? Naga asked and then a voice spoke.

- Then I will do it.

At the voice of your mother you turned and gave her a look of horror. THAT was out of the question!!! By all means no!! That wasn't going to happen and you shouted your answer to her. 

- NO! NO MATTER WHAT, MY ANSWER IS NO! Both you and Naga said at the same time.

- I didn't mean going to become the emperor's concubine. 

Once you heard that, you both relaxed. It wouldn't only be disgusting to become half sister of Nerva, it would be even more sickening to have your mother sleep with the emperor and have his baby.

- Do go scaring us like that! Naga said and you nodded.

- I meant that I will find someone to go. I have a wider string of connections, it won't be that hard.

- I hope so. If none is willing to go then we will have to kill both the emperor and Nerva to ensure that it looks like someone is after the royal family. You said and Naga smirked.

- Well, the emperor must eventually die, so I don't think that's something we should be concerned with.

- Aside from that, I've been investigating the matter of the matter of Myron staying in our village. She isn't really keeping an eye on us, much like Muu, she's trying to learn how to act like one of us. They're after our knowledge, which leads me to believe that they either decided that we are cool, or they plan to frame some of our people to reduce our numbers. 

- Then what do we do? Naga asked and you placed your head in your hands. This was annoying and tiring. You couldn't understand why they were so willing to make things difficult for you and your people. 

- Send a message to Titus and tell him of our suspicions, ask him to keep an eye on the Fanalis Corps. Also, we can start a rumour that people from within the palace are trying to enter our ranks, let them believe that there is someone scheming something big while also showing that we aren't exactly open to requests. 

- So, we make them believe that asking us to teach others isn't going to happen. Okay, however that won't really help.

- That's where Nerva gets in. 

- Nerva?

- That fool will think that someone is after his throne and he will suspect the Fanalis Corps. Even if Titus can't control them, Nerva will become a nuisance and distract them long enough for us to put our main plan in motion.

- Ha! That's one heck of a plan! I like it! Naga said with a wide smile, your mother gave you an approving smile and you finally decided to rest for a bit. Just as you were leaving however, you saw Muu coming with Riku and Cora in his arms.

- Hey, we were looking for you. He said gently and Riku nodded.

- Why is that? You asked suprised and Cora looked at you and said.

- I am Fanialis, Liku is Fanialis too. We awe stlong!!! Baba is stlong too! Mama too! 

You nearly burst out laughing at her words. She couldn't really speak clearly yet but she was doing just fine for a child at too years old... at least, that's what you thought. Riku was pretty much on the same level at her age.

- Yes, we are all strong. Are you happy that we are all strong? You asked and she nodded happily.

You then turned and looked at Riku, he was now five years old but he was taller than most kids of his age. You reached out and caressed the cheeks of your children while looking at them lovingly.

- Aren't they just amazing? Muu asked and your smile fell, you looked at him for a moment and nodded.

- Yes, they are. Now, let's go and eat something. I haven't eaten breakfast and I might eat a table if this goes on. You said and Muu's smile widen at your words... if only he knew what was really going to happen while he was on his mission to redeem himself... then he certainely wouldn't smile like that.

Assasin of hearts (Yandere Muu Alexious x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now