The obsession never leaves.

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You had been talking to the magi of Kou for hours, explaining how blood patterns assisted in your research, how an assasin could blend in with a crowd at any given moment and most of all, you taught him how valuable the element of surprise truly was. Judal was fascinated as this whole thing involved war.

- I never would have guess there were such interesting things to learn. He said and you rolled your eyes. 

- Please, that's nothing. There are many things you could learn from an assasin.

- Such as?

- Well, you might want to learn how to slice someone's throat without getting blood on you or without getting caught... maybe even how to use a blade to chop a head off and leave before it even hits the ground. You said, these things were kind of brutal and gross for some people but that was part of what made an assasin. 

- That sounds so cool! Though I can just throw my ice at someone and then fly away.

- That doesn't mean they won't know who to hunt. You said and Judal hummed.

- True.... but I am a great and powerfull magi. Who would be stupid enough to challenge me? He wondered and you raised an eyebrow.

- I'm pretty sure I could win a challenge against you. You said and he looked at you with a smile, he pointed at your belly and said.

- Not with a tummy that big.

- I'm seven months pregnant... I've seen women execute people when they were just days before giving birth. You said and Judal whistled.

- That's some dedication.

- It's what my people have done for years. You said and he chuckled, your conversation ended when you saw Muu approaching, you moved forward and hugged him, with him wrapping his hands around you and giving Judal a warning glare. The magi rolled his eyes and left, not in the mood to pick a fight.

- It's good to see you're okay. He said and you smiled.

- You are the one going outside and fighting this time. You said and he carressed your cheek with his right hand.

- Well, I bet once our child is born you'll go back into action.

- Actually I was thinking of having a small vacation from my work, just for a week or two. You said and Muu's eyes widen, your smile became wider at that.

- You really mean it?

- Yep, I am not only leader of the assasin's I am also your wife and the mother of your children, I need to time with you all too. You said and he was so happy he literally raised you in the air and began spinning.

- I love you, I love you so much. He said and you laughed.

- And I love you too. Now put me down, I'm getting a bit dizzy. You said and he did as you asked, he still held you in his arms, his face nuzzled in your hair.

- I swear, I will never leave you. He whispered and you closed your eyes, there was it again... his obsessive nature. As much as it scared you... you knew this was all because of his extreme love... a love you shared and would not deny.

- I know. You said and he hummed.

- What about you? Would you ever leave me? He asked and you chuckled.

- No. I wouldn't. You said and Muu sighed in relief.

- Let's go to our room. He said and the two of you went to your bedroom which Muu had also taken as his room, not trusting Kouen and the majority of the male population in Kou. The two of you fell on the bed, Muu brought his head to your tummy and stayed there, enjoying the fact that you would have yet another member in the family soon enough.


Your eyes opened slowly, feeling exhausted from working out till midnight on reports regarding the destruction of the Red Spider Organization as well as the major power loss of Al Thamen. Your gaze fell on Muu and later to your son Riku and your newborn daughter Cora. From the few hair on her head it was clear that she too had taken the Fanalis gene from her father, you wondered if every child you ever had would look like Muu.

- Good morning, my love. Muu said and you looked at him, you stretched your hand and carressed his cheek before he brought it to his lips, kissing it lovingly. As promised the three of you were away from the capital of Reim and were spending some time as a family... for Muu this was heaven as he had you and his children all to himself and with no interruptions.

- Should we have breakfast or do you prefer to stay in bed some more? You asked him and he shook his head.

- No, let's go and eat. He said and after waking up Riku, you took Cora in your arms and fed her before moving down with the rest. Cora was a queit baby, she barely made a sound but when she did she stated she didn't want someone to have her in his or her arms. That first happened with Lo'lo who might have scared her somehow. 

- I do hope she doesn't react like that when Naga returns from Heliohapt. You said and Muu smirked.

- I think she'll love him, Riku did when he was a newborn too. He said and your son took it upon himself to answer to his father.

- I still love uncle Naga, he's really cool and uncle Luca too. He said and you smiled.

- And what about your aunt Myron?

- She's cute. He said and you burst out laughing, Muu laughed along and messed his son's hair. Soon the maids you had in the house brought you your breakfast and after giving half of it to them you all ate. Later that day Riku was playing with Cora while Muu had you on his lap, refusing to let go. His face seemed calm but his mind was filled with malicious thoughts. He knew that eventually you'd all go back to the capital and he had heard how there was a plot to kidnap you and deliver you to a noble in a country he wasn't sure of. He vowed to skin that man alive and kill whoever layed his filthly hands on you, you were his wife and he was your husband... the two of you were one and no one would take his other half from him/

Assasin of hearts (Yandere Muu Alexious x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now