Family reunionPt.1

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The indvidual before you jumped forward aiming for your feet, you brought out two daggers and threw them on the ground before him to slow him down for a mere second before jumping in the air and got behind him, bringing out more daggers you began throwing them at him, not wishing to shorten the distance between the two of you. He skillfully avoided them and came towards you... only to receive a hit from both left and right from two newcomers, Willow and Leo. If they were shocked to see someone looking exactly like you, they did not show it upon forcing him to the ground and coming to your side quickly.

- How dare you attack the leader of Kage no Hokori, the village of the assasins. Willow said in clear rage.

- Some leader she is... killing one of her own. Your twin said mockingly.

- If you refer to Azura she was banished from the village due to her trechary against our father, the previous leader. Therefor she hasn't been one of our own for years. You said and he growled.

- Don't you dare say that we share the same father, that scum will never be worthy of such a title. He said and it was then that you saw just what Azura had done to him. Brainwashing him, turning him against everyone in the village.

- Wether you like it or not you exist because of him. If you really have such a problem with it, go ahead and commit suicide, however I will not allow you to insult him and his memory. You said sternly and he laughed.

- And let you in charge? Hah, no way. 

- Why would you actually want me dead? Is it because of Azura's childish actions and her wounded pride? If so allow me to say that you are just as pathetic as she was. You said and his eye were filled with rage.

- How dare you speak her name like that!!!

- Speaking of names you haven't introduced yourself. Who are you? Leo asked and your twin gave him a glance before talking.

- My name is Naga.

- I see, well then Naga... care to explain your true motives behind this attack? You asked and he managed to stand up, ripping his clothes a bit but otherwise unharmed.

- Because I'm going to take the title from you and end that legacy of unjustice and dishonor. I will also end that stupid idea of actually becoming allies with those red headed loosers.

- If you speak about the Fanalis Corps, then you are too late. Besides there is no way anyone would acknowledge someone raised by someone as traitorous as Azura, they'd kill you the moment they saw you. You said and he frowned.

- They will since there will be no one else but me from this bloodline to lead them. He said and anger rose from deep within you.

- You will not harm my son!!! I will chop your arms off before you can even have a glance on him. You hissed and he smirked.

- We'll see about that... (Name).

- You can count on that Naga... I really didn't want to but if you insist on this then I will end you. You said but before either of you could take action you were surrounded by the Fanalis Corps. 

- (Name)!!!! A familiar voice said and you blinked as Muu came and pulled you into a hug.

- Muu... how?

- In case you're forgeting, it's broad daylight... I saw you and called for assistance. Myron said and you nodded.

- I see, well it might be a bit too late but... meet my twin brother Naga. You said and Muu glared at him.

- Should I suspect that he shares Azura's ideals? He asked and you sighed in defeat.

- He does... and his primal objective right now is killing me, our mother, Luca and Riku. You said, at the mention of Riku's name everyone became stiff, eyes sending daggers on Naga, Muu's eyes though were completely different, they were empty, devoid of emotions just like the rest of his face. 

- Then there's only one fate for him. He said and everyone charged at him. Naga smirked and threw a smoke bomb on the ground as he left in a hurry, leaving no tracks behind him.

- Leo, Willow!!! We're going to the village, now!!! You shouted and the three of you left nearly seconds after him, leaving the confused and surprised Fanalis Corps as you used all of your speed to get there in hopes that Naga wasn't heading there as well. Each second you got closer you also swore to murder him if he dared to lay a hand on your Riku, your son was one of the most precious thing in your life and loosing him would also mean loosing half of your heart. Once you got there you went inside your house and looked around, you saw Luca looking at you surprised and saw he was holding Riku in his arms. The relief you felt was so big that you nearly fell on the ground. You walked towards them and took Riku in your arms in a gentle and secure hug. Tears fell uncontrollably from your eyes as you thanked the heavens that your little boy was alive and well. Leo and Willow too sighed in relief and got closer.

- Luca, from this day forth we all need to be carefull. Leo said and Luca looked at him confused.

- What do you mean?

- My twin brother, Naga has appeared... and he wants every member of our family dead. You said and a loud gasp sounded from above as you saw your mother looking at you with horrified eyes.

- Oh no...

- I'm sorry mother but we can't change his mind... he's set on killing us. You said and she sighed.

- Does Muu Alexius know about this?

- He does, he and the Fanalis Corps joined us shortly after I met him. You said and she nodded.

- Then I guess we need to work together if we want the future of this village to be secured. She said and you nodded... this was going to be a very unpleasant family reunion. 

Assasin of hearts (Yandere Muu Alexious x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now