Back in action.

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Ever since that fatefull night every citizen of Reim knew about you and respected you for you had the courage to hunt down murderers and wound them badly for the sake of protecting them all.

What no one knew was that ever since that day, Luca had been going back on the village taking files with targets that were originally going to be assigned to you, including the victims of the celebration, with the approval of the elders. 

You had studied them throuroughly and had seen who had to be killed, when and where. It was easy to make calculations and create an opportunity. 

What was worrying you though, was Muu, it made you wonder.

Was he going to be okay with it? You were a murderer in a way... but you always had a good and  valid reason for that. You decided to speak to Scheherazade about it and take permission from her to at least have someone back you up.

"Are you sure about them?" She asked, her eyes filled with sadness as she saw the carefully designed portraits of your targets.

"This is how every assasin in the village works, we research first very carefully and make sure we have proof... then we go for the kill." You assured and she sighed.

"Then you have my permission to act, both you and your brother. Don't worry about Muu, I'll talk to him, although... I suspect that he wont be mad at all."

"I hope so too, Scheherazade." You mumbled.

 Over the time you stayed at the palace, you and the female magi had grown to really like each other, you would talk for hours and you both enjoyed each others company. Something that you weren't really expecting, if you had to be honest.

Without another word you left and went to inform Luca of your talk with Scheherazade. Once you explained to him everything he smiled, he was still a novice but he was determened to become the best of the best and wanted to learn from you. 

You taught him how to stab, slice, hide in the shadows and even blend in with the crowd if he was ever forced to kill during the day. 

He was learning fast even though he was a kid, this reminded you of yourself when you were his age. You smiled and decided to act at midnight on the assasination you had recently agreed to carry out. 

You had also managed to send a note to the village in which you said clearly that you would continue your missions without changing your plans and  that you wanted no one to interefere, giving this as an excuse for your attack the other night and the fact that all four of the assasins came back injured. 

In the village it was considered an insult if someone killed your target, it was a way of saying "you're not good enough", it wasn't the first time that fights began because of this. When the elders discovered that the four assasins knew who they were targeting and who was originally assigned to do the job they punished the four boys and their parents felt ashamed because their offsprings allowed a childish resentment to get the best of them. Not to mention the sloppy, impulsive way the assasination took place. The entire village was furious with these four and you were satified with the outcome.

"This should teach them that trying anything with you comes with a price, a pretty brutal one at that." Luca noted, you only sighed. Tonight was going to be tough, you had three kills assigned due to your late comeback.

The two of you moved from rooftop to rooftop silently, occasionally hiding in the nearby shadows and observing everything for ten whole minutes before making another move. 

This went on until you reached the first house you were assigned. A window was open leading to a hallway, next to that was a room with heavy curtains blocking your view, still you already knew what was going on in there, the owner of the house had over fifteen little children as sex slaves, he took care of them with their bodies as price for the food, clothing and medical care they received. 

You had also met one of the kids who had begged you to take her with you because she was scared of that sadistic bastard, which you couldn't do at the time since he was around.

You and Luca moved slowly and looked down, there were no guards around, probably a change of service was about to take place, perfect timing. You both jumbed to the rooftop and landed without even a thump. With two quick moves you entered through the opened window and moved in, making sure to double check everything around you.

As you moved around you heard sniffling and low sobbings, it made you sick because you knew what they were so scared of and why. You came closer and saw that the door wasn't entire closed. You took a peak and saw that the noble was asleep next to the same little girl that had approached you that day. Your gaze went to the nearby table where you saw three pairs of keys.

"One of them must lead to the room where the kids are, you'll have the girl lead you there and save the rest, I'll end that bastard's life." You whispered and Luca nodded before the both of you stepped in slowly, the little girl saw you and her eyes widen, you placed a finger on your lips, signaling her to be quiet. 

She understood what was going to happen and smiled, she closed her eyes as you brought out a dagger and used a poison that paralyzes the body within seconds, once you were right above them, you stabbed him in the heart and closed his mouth once his eyes opened. With the hand still holding the dagger you dragged it upwards slicing him in half and slashing his neck, for good measure, before he had the chance to react, not that he would have been able to with the poison in action. 

When the crimson liquid came out from the wounds and partially covered his form, you removed your hand and slowly picked up the little girl who felt safe in your arms, thus relaxing and pushing herself closer to your form.

"Thank you." She whispered in tears and you smiled.

"Can you do me a favor?" You asked and you explained to her what it was that she had to do. She agreed hapilly and led Luca to the room while you opened the window with the heavy curtains and allowed the cool winter breeze enter as you exhaled, one down... two more to go.

You waited for a short while, occasionally glancing back at your dead target. You wished he'd suffer immensely in hell. 

"Big sister." Luca whispered and you saw all of the children behind him, they seemed alright which was pleasing. You smiled and decided to take all of them in the palace with you, you were going to become their guardian and mentor as they were now going to be trained to become assasins. 

It was about time to get back in action.

Assasin of hearts (Yandere Muu Alexious x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now