Know you better.

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Up, down, up, down. 

That's what has been going on in the room they threw you in, you've been pacing uncontrollably with half of the Fanalis Corps outside your door, you didn't know what they've been doing to him and no one would answer your questions... so you attempted to go to Leo's room six times and failed all six times, this made Muu summon more Fanalis to guard you... and you didn't even know what it was that they were guarding you from. 

Suddenly a knock came from the door and you turned to see, it was Muu's sister, Myron. You glared at her and didn't move an inch. She sighed at your reaction but knew that it was to be expected.

" Your friend wants to see you." She announced with a small smile, you ignored her and left the room, heading straight to Leo's side. 

You didn't knock the door, you just pushed it aside and saw Muu and Lo'lo near his bed, you instantly went close and glared them, you were enraged with their actions and it was justified.

" What did you do?" You hissed but they didn't speak, they just frowned. You turned to Leo who was bandaged and was breathing heavily, you placed your hand on top of his and looked at him gently before calling his name.

" (Name)... oh thank heavens... I didn't want to be alone with them." He admitted and then, he tried to stand up but you pushed him down gently.

" Don't you dare stand up, you're injured... you need to rest." You scolded gently and he looked at you before nodding silently, you gave him a small hug before a hand pulled you away. 

You hit the person that dared to touch you and saw Myron on the floor.

" Why am I always the one that gets hit?" She asked annoyed.

" Don't touch me!!!" You roared and she rolled her eyes before standing up.

" A simple thank you would be nice. We helped your friend." She said and you took a step forward feeling furious.

" AFTER YOU INJURED HIM!!!" You shouted, your entire expression twisting in a nightmarish grimace of disgust and pure, untamed hatred causing her to back away shocked, you turned your back on her and focused on Leo. 

His breathing was stable, mixed with gently snores, you didn't know you were that attached to Leo until now. You didn't want to leave him, you wanted to stay close to your friend and defend him. 

" You don't have to be this aggressive." Lo'lo complained and you shrugged refusing to answer back. You didn't plan on waisting your breath on them.

" Come, I'll take you back to your room." Muu as he tried to touch your arm, you slapped it away and looked into his eyes, hatred and rage mixed in your heart as you spoke.

" I am not going anywhere with a monster like you." 

  Your words had an impact on everyone around you, they obviously didn't know anything but after seeing your hostile behaviour before they should have been expecting this much from you.

" Hey!!! My brother is trying to be nice!!! How about you drop that "I'm too cool to be with you guys" behaviour and show some respect." Myron hissed

" If your brother hadn't place this idiot to watch me, then none of this would have happened." You said as you pointed at Lo'lo.

" What's so bad about wanting to keep safe the person who saved my sister?" Muu asked and you glared at him. 

" I'm not a damsel in distress, I'm an assasin." You reminded him before turning your back and going above Leo.

" Does that mean you will never need help?" Muu asked and you refused to speak.

" I don't think you're going to get anywhere with her, captain." Lo'lo commented as he crossed his arms.

" I think we can be good friends and if possible, allies." He said and that made you snap, you turned and slap him on his right cheek with all of your strenght, making everyone gasp in shock. 

Muu looked at you shocked as your eyes threatened to spill tears, you managed to control it and thankfully your voice came out exactly as you wanted it, cold and flat.

" I am not going to be friends with a common murderer." You stated and he gazed at you confused. You looked at Leo who was still sleeping before leaving the room. 

You went back to yours, slamming the door behind you and falling on the bed, you kept your senses sharp, this time though, your tears came back and you didn't bother to hide them, you left gentle sobs as you tried your best to not break down completely. 

You heard a gentle knock on the door but you refused to answer, instead you just hid in the shadow of the large bed before the intruder entered the room and spoke.

"What did I do? How did I make you hate me?" Muu asked, his voice gentle and pained, you still didn't speak, you just looked at the wall as you stopped crying, you weren't going to allow him to see you broken. You didn't want that monster to see you in this weak state. 

His right hand touched yours slightly and you slapped it away again.

" Stay the hell away from me!!!" You shouted and he looked at you with a deep sorrow striking his heart.

" What did I do (Name)?"

" Don't say my name ever again, Fanalis." You said and he left a heavy sigh.

" If you wont tell me what I did, will you at least let me repent for what I did to you?" He asked and you shook your head. 

No, you refused to let this happen. You refused to allow your hatred to change into anything else. 

You've based your life in this hatred and now you refused to to just throw it away for someone like him.

" Go away, once Leo is fine... I'm going back home."

" No, please... let me get to know you better..."

" Forget it!!!! My only desire concerning you is to see you dead!!!" You hissed and he left a heavy sigh.

" To think that my angel was actually the demon who wanted to kill me."

" What the hell are you talking about?"

" All these years... you were the one who had been watching me, weren't you?"

Assasin of hearts (Yandere Muu Alexious x Reader)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें