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Ever since Luca decided to take your side over Leo's and accepted your relationship with the leader of the Fanalis Corps, Muu began acting as if Luca was his son or something. 

He would play with him, watch over and train with him and talk to him about everything, Luca was a bit hesitant at first but after a while he accepted Muu and the two of them grew quite close. You really liked that, it was nice to see another assasin acting the same way you did. 

"Hey big sister, is it true that you're engaged to Muu?" Luca asked you one day, it felt kind of embarassing talking about stuff like that with your little brother but he was going to find out sooner or later.

"Yeah... tomorrow we are going to have a big celebration about this event." You admitted and Luca smiled.

"Cool, Muu's a good guy after all." He responded and you nodded.

"Truth be told, I never imagined any of this would happen. Not even once."

"Do you regret your decision?" He asked and you shook your head.

"No, I don't regret anything. I'm happy because Muu... he turned out to be... so very different from the image I had for him all those years..."

"I don't know how I should react to this." A voice chimed in from behind and you saw Muu, he was smilling as he came closer and placed a kiss on your cheek.

Luca blushed and left the two of you alone. Muu seemed to be in very deep thoughts for a while. Naturally that didn't go unoticed by you even as he nuzzled his face on your neck.

"What's wrong?"

"Nothing, I'm just a bit stressed up... we're going to negotiate with Sindria and the Kou empire in three weeks..."

"I see, listen even if the Kou empire refuses to coorperate with whatever you're going to discuss... there's a high possibility that Sindria will, they need a powerfull ally and the Kou empire has made it crystal clear that they don't like Sinbad a lot." You noted and he nodded, he still seemed worried... but you could tell that it wasn't the meeting that made him so anxious, he was surely hiding something from you... but what was it? And more importantly, why?

"(Name), would you like to visit your village?" He propsed and your eyes grew wider, of course you'd love to but... you were worried about how everyone would react to you... especially with Leo acting like a complete jerk.

"Perhaps... still, let's think about it after you've cleared the situation with Sindria and Kou, okay?" You suggested, you didn't want to stress him more, whatever it was that he was hiding... you wanted him to tell you on his own will, you wanted him to see that you trusted him that much.

"Thanks." He mumbled, leaving your neck only to pull you into an embrace and having his head on top of yours, as he did so, however, a very familiar scent hit you... blood. 

Why did Muu have the scent of blood on him? 

You looked closer and saw a small cut on his left arm, barely visible but it was a cut... it seemed like a sharp object hit him and he dodged fast enough with this being the only damage on him. Perhaps it was from his training with Luca, your brother had proved to be as fast as you and you were sure he would grow stronger since he was a male.

"You should treat that wound." You advised as you touched it slightly, Muu seemed surprised but nodded.

"Yeah, you're right... your brother is getting better at his aim." He responded and you smiled, that was good to know. 

After you spent a little more time together, Muu left saying he had a meeting to attend to. You smiled and once he left you decided to take a nap.

Muu walked relaxed and got closer to his destination as the light vanished from his eyes. He opened the door revealing a dark and dump space with a sickening smell coming out of it.

He entered quickly, shutting the door behind him silently, as he did so he gazed over at the boy that was chained to the wall. He was so badly injured... he seemed ready to die, Muu wouldn't let him die, not yet anyway. He needed to make him suffer more. 

The boy looked up and glared at the Fanalis the second their eyes met.

"You... bastard..."

"I'm impressed that you can still talk, well I guess it's hard to cut the tongue of a snake, I'm sure you agree... Leo." Muu mocked, a sadistic smile making its way to his eyes as he came even closer.

"Shut up... you son of a-"

"You know, (Name) said she wants to visit your village again... but I'm sure she's worried about the lies you must have spread about her." 

"Do you really think... I would do something so horrible to her?" Leo growled weakly and Muu's smile vanished.

"You were more than willing to hurt her, so yes, I do very much think so."

"I... love her..."

"And I love her too, more than you do. More than anyone does... and she loves me back. She chose me over you." 

"Heh... not for long." Leo retorded and Muu's eyes narrowed.

"What do you mean?"

"How do you think she's going to react... when she realizes I'm not in the village... and that no one knows my location or condition?" He asked and Muu's eyes widened in realization. He was in deep thought for a moment but he knew that there was only one thing to do. 

He came closer and pulled Leo by the neck, their eyes meeting, hatred burning in their gazes.

"I will let you go... but you WILL keep your mouth shut and you WILL apologize to her. I swear, if you tell anyone a word I will cut you to pieces and sent you to your family like that."

"Hahaha... oh really? And who do you think everyone will suspect? Admit it Fanalis... I am far too important to (Name)... you can't make me disappear without hurting her."

"Trust me, I can make sure she'll get over your death... the only thing that's making me put up with you is the fact that she still cares about you and wants to try again and save your friendship... so you better not waste her generosity... because then I will have no reason to hold back." Muu threatened as he let Leo go, he turned around and left the room, giving orders to the guards to free him and make sure he gets back to full health before dropping him off to the forest. 

You didn't know about the changes that had taken place or about the ones that would occur in the near future. You were blissfully unaware of the dark, uncontrollable passion that was slowly conquering his heart and mind.

And as far as Muu was concerned, it'd stay that way.

Assasin of hearts (Yandere Muu Alexious x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now