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Weeks passed since that little incident with Myron, things were now going smoothly and you were enjoying your life with Muu and Riku. You also came upon the discovery that Naga wasn't in love with Myron and the opposite, apparently he was playing the matchmaker in order to get Lo'lo and Myron together and he was successfull. The two of them would fight and then ten minutes later be in something of a lovey dovey situation, that was Myron and Lo'lo we were talking about, the mellow element wasn't exactly the strongest one in their relationship.

- Well, I'm glad she's got someone who loves her so much. Muu said and you nodded, Muu himself was going back to his good old self, there were moments that someone would try to hit on you such foreign merchants or nobles but you always proclaimed your love for Muu. That seemed to keep his obsessive side back but he would glare at them and appear threatening just to prove dominance.

- I wonder if they'll end up like us. Married, with a child and happy. You said and Muu smiled.

- I really hope so. He said and kissed your forehead lovingly. 

- Ah! Muu, I have something to tell you. You said and he looked at you curiously.

- What is it?

- You know that we are a family of three, correct? You asked and he nodded.

- I do.

- Well... how about becoming four? You asked and his eyes widen, he looked at your tummy suprised and brought a hand to it. Yep, you were pregnant yet again... Muu would make love to you almost every night, you would put Riku to bed and he would have someone watch over him, usually Luca or Myron, while he ravished your body. 

- (Name), my love!!! He suddenly said as he took you in his arms, raised you in the air and began spinning around, you laughed at his little outburst of joy. You knew he was going to be excited by you didn't know the exact amount... apparently, it was far more than you thought.

- Muu!!! I'm getting dizzy, please stop!!! You said despite your chuckling state. Muu placed you down but pulled you closer into his body, you could feel his heartbeat... it was fast and when you looked up you laughed, he seemed like a little child.

- You're truly amazing. He said and you smiled.

- Riku will probably enjoy having a sibling to play with. You said and Muu looked over, the new magi, Titus Alexius and his friend Marga were playing with Riku. Marga liked him a lot and the two played a lot. As for Titus he was simply happy to watch over them, he had also befriended you. He said he knew you due to Scheherazade's memories inside him, he knew everything that had happened to you and had declaired to be your ally no matter what, thus carrying the will of the previous magi. 

- By the way, do you think we should ask for Titu's blessing? Muu asked, you looked at him and noticed regret in his eyes... did something happen between the two?

- He IS the magi of Reim, we should do it. You told him gently and he looked at you worried, something was troubling him... perhaps he did something to Titus? 

- You're right. He murmured, you frowned at that and decided to first learn what was the case here. You took his arm and moved away to a corridor, when you were sure you were alone you turned and faced him.

- What's wrong Muu? You seem very sad when we mentioned Titus, did something happen between you two at Magnostadt? You asked and Muu became stiff, his back touched the wall and his face fell, his red hair hiding it like a veil.

- I... I... said something horrible to him... he has forgiven me but...

- What happened?

- Titus was orginally a clone made by lady Scheherazade and was sent to Magnostadt with a mission, however when Mogamett discovered the truth he got into an argument with lady Scheherazade about the future of Magnostadt,  Lady Scheherazade wanted Titus back but Mogamett refused to hand him over.

- Leading to the war that occured a while ago.

- Yes, during this fight I faced Titus in battle. I saw him as a monster, an existence that shouldn't be in this world... and I told him that. I told him that he was a monster, that he was different and that he shouldn't have been born in this world. Muu confessed, his voice cracked on that moment and you froze. 

- What?

- Titus forgave me, he really did... but the guilt I feel isn't so easilly forgotten. He said, you got closer and cupped his face with your arms, you then leaned forward and kissed him. When you moved back Muu saw love in your gaze and an understanding expression.

- I know what that's like... wasn't I like that when we first met? Didn't I think of you as a monster? Even now I still feel guilt for my cruelty towards you and the rest of the Fanalis Corps but... that only fuels my desire to give twice the size of love and care I feel. It's only human to fear and hate... different things might not seem appealing at first but they might also be exactly what's needed.

- (Name)...

- Titus forgave you. You need to forgive yourself and move forward, support him and be his ally, stand by his side during sorrow and rejoice with him when good things happen. That's what I did... and look at us now. You said gently and Muu's eyes widen... his shock became happiness as he connected his lips with yours again.

- How can you be so wise?

- It's not wisedom, I only speak because I did the same thing in the past, a past that I refuse to embrace again while welcoming a better future. You told him and he nodded, after that you both went back to Titus, Marga and Riku and announced everything. Titus was a bit suprised when you asked him to bless your child but more than that he was excited, he and Muu seemed to get closer on that moment and that made you happy. Perhaps this magi was exactly what was needed for Muu... and what you needed as well.

Assasin of hearts (Yandere Muu Alexious x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now