Family reunion Pt.2

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You watched as the assasin's who's patrol was over turn in for the night while others were already leaving, you blinked before noticing something odd. There was a female assasin who seemed far too scared to let her hood drop, you frowned and went towards her hoping it was only going to deal with a self consious newbie and nothing more. However the moment she tried to look at you, you saw a pair of pink eyes whom you knew well. 

- Uhh... lady (Name)...

- Myron what the hell are you doing here?! How did you find this place?! You said not too loudly since you didn't want to trigger anyone's wrath.

- I followed one of the assasins, he was easy to catch up with and-

- You're not going to stay here and you will most certainly say nothing to your brother.

- But-

- No buts!!! Was this his idea?! You asked a bit too loudly, a few assasins looked at you and you told them it was something Luca had in mind about Riku, they fell for it and then you returned your attention to Myron who shook her head.

- No, my brother doesn't even know I left the palace. She said and you had to admit you were a bit relieved to know that Muu had nothing to do with this... 

- I'm taking you home and you better not repeat this. You said and she looked at you with a deep frown.

- Why do you still want to keep this place a secret from my brother? 

- An assasin village such as Kage no hokori is meant to be known only to those who inhabit it... if everyone knew where to find the risks would be too high.

- But you can trust us-

- I can trust you and your brother but I still won't allow anyone who is not an assasin remain here. I said and turned her around as the two of us began walking towards one of the exits. Myron protested but you had no intention of listening to whatever she had to say about her stay in the village or about sharing secrets of it's location, not when Naga was around and not when you knew he wanted to murder you and your family. Once you were out the two of you rushed to the palace, you had no idea if Naga was already aware of the village's new location or not but you didn't want to risk being too far from home. When the palace was in sight you increased your speed and Myron followed behind you, you went from rooftop to rooftop without stopping. Upon reaching the palace's walls you stopped for a moment, you looked around trying to sense if you had been followed... nothing so far. The two of you climbed the wall and jumped over it, falling into the ground, you were a bit suprised that Myron had made no noise when she fell, normally when she jumped from a certain height the ground would crumble or she would make at least some sort of noise... maybe her time with you and your brother while you both lived here had affected her at some point. The two of you began walking slowly, looking around as everything were suspicioucly queit, suddenly you heard a scream of terror and the sound of stabbing. You moved towards the direction of the sound and paled as you saw your twin brother trying to murder a guard.

- Oh great. He murmured annoyed, you brought out your daggers and with the back of your eye you looked at Myron.

- Go call your brother and Sceherazade!!! Hurry!!! You said and she run off as soon as you finished your sentence, your attention went to the guard and his wound, it seems your twin was either a very sadistic or unskilled assasin for the wound was small and it would take three more wounds to end the poor man's life. Your eyes finally rested on your brother's face, his expression cold and distant, you smirked as you decided to buy some time until Muu or Scheherazade arrived.

- What's so funny? He asked and you chuckled.

- It seems your mentor was rather useless when it came down to field assignments, huh? You said with as much arrogance as you could master. He growled and glared at you before charging against you, You blocked his attack, the arrogant smirk you had purposely placed on your face remaining as it was.

- Don't you dare mock-

- Or what?! Look at you, you're a failure as an assasin due to the obvious lack of knowledge concerning surprise attacks and how to make your target die in silence, not to mention  your mentor is dead.... and you think you can tell me what to do. I'd be suprised if you could be a toddler!!! You said and Naga began using more force as it was obvious he wanted to overpower you... to your surprise someone grabbed him from behind and threw him to the empty, dark corridor. Naga gasped in shock as he fell on the floor, your eyes turned to see Muu looking furious... never before had you seen him so angry.

- (Name), are you alright? He asked and you sighed.

- Yes... Muu, leave Naga to me. Take care of the guard, please. You said without really waiting for him to answer you as you went after Naga who was now attempting to run away, clearly not wanting to repeat Azura's mistake. Since you had lived in the palace for a while you pretty much knew the are and you smiled when he turned around going towards the throne room. You increased your speed and managed to get closer to him before, hiding one of your daggers and grab the back of his shirt, throwing him backwards, Naga didn't loose his balance and glared at you.

- You really are a pain in the neck.

- Glad to hear it... brother. You said and he groweled upon hearing the last word.

- I wish I never had a twin sister who can't see the truth.

- I wish I didn't have a twin brother whose's mind had rotten off for quite some time. You said and you both lanched at each other as the piece of the night was disturbed by your fight... this was indeed the worst family reunion you could have imagined. 

Assasin of hearts (Yandere Muu Alexious x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now