First months.

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As Naga and your mother feared, Myron had indeed attempted to reveal where your village was hidden. It was a good thing that Naga had poisoned her, it had similar signs to a fatal illness and so your people weren't considered responsible, not really. Naga informed Titus of the whole plan and he agreed to assist you, he arranged to go back to Magnostaudt to see his friends, thus having him away from Reim for a short while. The combination of these events had a really powefull impact on Muu, as if your dissapearance wasn't enough, all of the disaster that followed made him so stressed and worried. He was slowly falling back into depression, loosing himself in his loneliness and despair. He hated being away from you, he hated being alone like this, he hated that you could leave him so easily... was it really that bad? Was he really so horrible? Thoughts like these circled his mind, making restless and keeping him from his duties. 

Meanwhile, you weren't really any better. While you were in Kou you had officially accepted Judal as a student and had been personally training him, starting from the basics and building his stamina, he was terrible at anything but observation, his speed, strength and reactions were that of a ten year old at best. You had him run around like crazy, lift heavy items, face to face combat.... all in the hopes of making him better at fighting without his magic. 

- This is seriously annoying. He told you and you smirked.

- This is nothing compared to what's ahead. You said and he gulped.

- Did you go through all that as well?

- I went through worse, I am going easy on you because you weren't born an assasin. You said and his jaw dropped.

- That's going easy?!

- What did you expect? If you can't do as much then you have no future with a dagger, a knife or a sword. You said and he seemed to think about it.

- I might have underastimated assasins a bit. He said and you chuckled.

- Come now, you still have two laps left, after that we're going to practise hand to hand combat again. You said and he groaned but complied, he was putting up with it because he himself wanted to show he was incredible, not only to you but to the Ren siblings, the other assasins and pretty much everyone else, including the other magis.

Suddenly a message came from Reim, apparently Muu was searching for every village you had created in every kingdom in the hopes of finding you. You frowned, this wasn't good. If he already had spies ready then you had to check all of the new recruits and their backstories in all the villages... which wasn't going to be easy.  You send letters where you requested the help of your closest allies, Kira, Willow, Leo, your brothers and your mother to help you with this task.  As for the kids that you had taken in a long time ago, they were now well trained and were already going through tasks of their own. They were loyal to you and willing to eliminate any traitors amonst your ranks. 

- Anything else? The messenger asked and you shook your head, motioning him to leave. Once that was done you returned to your training with Judal who, had grown just a bit faster, it wasn't something special but you praised him for it, feeling the need to encourage him to keep it up.


To Muu's surprise, there were no news whatsoever, no assasinations, no traces, not even rumours regarding your dissapearance. He was unaware that this was all due to an announcement that was made without him knowing, proclaiming that you were in an assasin tournament in a different kingdom, the tournament would last four months due to it being the first of it's kind. 

- My brother won't be able to take it much longer! Myron said, she had been cured and had realized that she could just as easily fall ill again if she decided to speak about the village to anyone. 

- It's his fault for killing so many people. Naga said annoyed and Myron glared at him.

- He did all for your sister's honor.

- My sister can defend herself just fine, he had no real excuse to act the way he did. He said flatly and the two had a staring contest which Myron lost.

- How can you both be so stubborn and sour.

- Sour? I think you mean tolerant. 

- If Lo'lo acted half the way my brother does-

- He wouldn't hear the end of it. Don't tell me you suddenly became the romantic type, it's ridiculous! He said and Myron pouted.

- You're one to talk.

- If you must know, I just got engaged. 


- Yesterday.

- To whom?

-I'm not telling. He said and Myron groaned annoyed. Naga had indeed gotted engaged to Kira. The two had gotten close to each other and had developed a comedic romance, both trying to get under each others skin with their wit. They weren't like Lo'lo and Myron, nor were they like Willow and Hakuryuu who had surprisingly fallen for each other in the most hillarious way imaginable. 

While Hakuryuu was having a tantrum after getting drunk thanks to Judal, Willow, also completely drunk, said out loud that Hakuryuu was totally the type of guy she'd hook up with. And Hakuryuu got excited and kissed her in front of everyone, claiming that she was cute and drunk.... the two of them fell asleep on each other and the next day freaked out big time, since they couldn't remember what happened after they got to the bedroom, Judal told them and said that they were so loud the whole palace couldn't sleep last night, they weren't aware that the magi was teasing them, the two were red, unable to speak and couldn't look away from the floor. They spent one hour exchanging glances with each other and trying to communicate but they could barely say a word.

- I can't imagine something more hillarious. Judal had whispered in your ear. Eventually you told them that they had just fallen asleep after sharing two shy kisses. 

  Aside from those events, everything else went by rather peacefully, Riku and Cora were both getting used to being in Kou, occasionally asking about their father and you telling them that there were bad people back home and Muu had to fight them. You would eventually leave Kou and go to Artemyra or Heliohapt, you weren't sure just yet. The only thing you were certain about was that you'd stay a total of ten months away from Muu, what would happen within those ten months... you'd have to see for yourself later on.

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