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After that horryfying night of someone taking your children every assasin had been in high alert, same went with the Fanalis Corps. Muu however had gone too far regarding this matter, whoever he considered suspicious he questioned and if he suspected they were after you or the children for whatever reason he tortured and killed them without remorse. That also applied to people who would speak ill of you, he no longer cared about appearances, he was one hundrend and ten percent done with people who kept getting in your and his way. 

  Months went by like that until eventually he found out the man who had attempted to kidnap Riku and Cora. He had left after informing Titus, if only the magi knew what would follow. He personally went over to that man's residence and tortured him in the most gruesome fashion one can imagine, tearing his lips and ruining his features completely, scarring him and burning him... he broke every bone that man had in his body before he chopped off his head. Anyone who had been there had seen his emotionless eyes and his sadistic smile... and if that wasn't bad enough dark rukh had appeared near him... it was a bad sign and they all knew it. 

  You on the other hand had seen him less and less and so you hadn't noticed yet, Naga knew about Muu and feared your reaction to that. You wanted to skin that person alive that was true and so he was positive you wouldn't mind that Muu performed the execution but the dark rukh would alert you and should Muu ever loose control while being in front of the children... they would end up with serious traumas. 

- Sister... there are some documents regarding our village in Kou, apparently the magi of Kou wants to become like us.

- Judal wants to be an assasin?

- Something about witnessing an excellent performance from one of our elites. He said he was awed by how proffesional the execution was. Naga said and you frowned, Judal was bloodthirsty and unstable as a character... he couldn't really be trusted. 

- I know that without his magic he is weak so giving him our knowledge will definetelly benefit him, still he is not someone who seems loyal to others....  if he decides to destroy the village because he was rejected... 

- How about we teach him the basics... however his training will be harsher than that of an amatuer assasin. Naga said and you turned to him.

- You mean you want me to set him up?

- If he gives up on his own then we have nothing to worry.

- True... well, we'll start by going easy on him, if I recall the amatuer training lasts about a year, his will be half the same time before you put him on the next level.

- He might improve within only half a year.

- If I make it less he might suspect something. 

- I see, very well then.

- Naga... have you any news from Muu? You asked and Naga became stiff.

- He will be in the capital tonight. He killed the man who kidnapped Riku and Cora... the case is officially closed. He said and you looked at him, he was hiding something.

- There is something you don't want to tell me. 

- I just don't like the fact that he got to that man faster than us. He said and left, you sighed in defeat, there was nothing you could do for now. You decided to go to the palace and wait for Muu there, you were his wife after all. With that in mind you quickly finished your work and after taking the children from your mother you went to the palace, Riku was excited since he had missed Muu a lot... Cora might had been a baby but she was giggling and pointing at the capital too, they were both too adorable. When you walked around the city however the mood changed drastically, glares and whispers caught your attention as well as dark chuckles, in a bold move you turned towards a pair of noble women who were glaring at you and talking behind your back and gave them a smile of victory before moving ahead, your smile never leaving your face as you looked at those around you, making everyone more hostile than before. Riku was looking at you curiously, not able to completely understand what was happening.

- Mom, why are you smilling?

- Because we're going to meet your father, he defeated some very bad people, you should smile too and show how proud you are for your father.

- I am proud of him!!! He said and smiled widely, he began running and laughing as you kept on with your little attitude teasing.

  When you reached the palace you were greeted by Titus and Marga, both were happy to see you and asked you to accompany them, naturally you said yes.

- It's good to see you again, you've also been quite distant. Titus said and you sighed.

- It's not easy, lately we've had too many people asking to join our ranks and I have to consider expanding the villages, we need more ground.

- I see, I hope I can offer some help... 

- Well, lately I've been thinking of expanding the village here in Reim and have some of the new ones here, that way I can keep a better eye on the whole situation. You said and Titus smiled.

- Sounds good to me. He said and his gaze moved on to Marga and Riku who were running around laughing loudly. Suddenly they both bumped into someone, your eyes widen when you saw Muu standing in front of you both.

- Dad!!! Riku said and jumped on Muu's arms, he laughed loudly and played with Riku's hair.

- It's been a while, have you been a good boy? He asked and Riku nodded, you smiled and moved closer only for Titus to grab your hand, you turned to him and saw his grim expression.

- Can you see it? He asked you and you turned to Muu again, then you saw.... his rukh... was completely black.

Assasin of hearts (Yandere Muu Alexious x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now