Queen of Assasins.

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- Is he the one you were talking about? The traitor? A male asked as he moved closer, he eyed Naga who was chained to a wall, glaring at them.

- Yeah... he is the one. He was raised by lady Azura, he was trained by her but didn't avenge her when she was killed by the leader of the shamefull assasin village. Had he done so, we  wouldn't be such a small organization but the heads of the village. A female said disgusted but the male huffed.

- That's what you think. 

- What do you mean?

- If (Name) (Last Name) was killed, the magi of Reim, the Fanalis Corps and the newly created villages in Kou, Sindria, Heliohapt, Magnostaudt and Artemyra would have come after us for the sake of defending the next heir.

- The next heir? The female asked.

- (Name) (Last Name) has a son, half assasin, half Fanalis. The father is Muu Alexius. He said and the female hissed.

- Not only has she the control of so many people, she also got one of the most handsome men in the entire Reim Empire... that bitch.

- Heh... you're both fools. Naga finally said with a smile and both turned to him.

- What did you say? The male asked.

- I said you're fools, my sister isn't only allies with those you have mentioned, the three princes of the Kou Empire have taken a liking to her, to the point where the might even form some sort of alliance... you're not against one woman... you're against two empires and six villages who are now going through their golden age. He said and the female hissed at him.

- Shut up you filthy traitor! You couldn't even do one thing right and avenge the woman who raised you!

- The woman who stole me from my family and tricked me into believing that they left me on purpose, a woman so power thirsty she could even see her own demise! He said and the female came closer and gave him a deadly glare.

- That slut of a mother of yours stole the love of her life.

- My father never loved her. If she was delusional that was her problem. Naga said and the woman slapped him.

- You are a disgrace to our cause! She roared and Naga laughed.

- What cause? You have already been exposed, every country is in the look out for one of you and my sister is already on the move as well.

- What do you mean? The male asked and Naga pointed behind him.

- Turn around. He said and as he did, a dagger slashed his throat as Luca came forth with Muu and Kouha behind him, the female smiled, turned to Naga and releashed him before she took of her wig revealing the girl you had saved from a long time ago, Kira.

- Nicely done Kira. Luca said and she smiled.

- Your sister taught me. It's only natural you said and Muu chuckled.

- I'm already done with floors asigned to me. He said and Kouha waved happily.

- As am I, it really was fun killing them. He said and Kira hummed.

- You better not tell that to (Name), she might think of it as a threat. She said and Kouha pouted.

- No she wouldn't. She knows I only want to be friends. He said and Muu looked over at him curiously.

- Kouen doesn't seem all that interested. He said and Kouha glared at him.

- Trust me, had she not been married to you he would have already tried to earn her favor. He said and that alerted Muu, who could convince him that the first prince wouldn't try to get him out of his way just so he could be with (Name).

- That doesn't mean my sister would pay that kind of attention to your brother. She would probably give him a run for his money. He said and Muu couldn't help but smile. He knew first hand how ferocious you could be, if anyone tried to be that bold with you he'd need a lot of courage, a lot of arrogance and most likely a first aid box. 

- I think she would...

- Nah, she wouldn't. Kira interrupted as she handed Naga a pair of daggers. 

- How come?

- She once told me that she wouldn't want to live a different life and that she loves the family and the friends she currently has more than anything. Also, with her being pregnant a second time, I think she might be in love with Muu more than ever. She said and Muu... he was literally in cloud nine with a silly smile and a dreamy look, he simply couldn't help but adore you and think of you as the ideal woman, strong, brave, determined, caring, cute and cool at the same time and beautifull both inside and outside.

- We should move on, this can't be the only base they have.

- Leave that to me, I was able to become a commander in this one... I can do it to the rest... you only need to play your part. Kira said as she put her wig on again and adjusted it perfectly, it was then that Muu kicked her back and Naga sliced her sides and her legs, they weren't serious injuries but they would convince the team that would arrive that she put up a fight. The rest escaped and left their spy play her role as she should while you oversaw this whole thing and plotted your next step little by little.

 As Kouha had mentioned, Kouen had indeed taken a liking to you and despite you being married he was willing to give it a shot, he didn't mind that you had kids or that this could lead to war with Reim, a woman of your kind was rare and he wanted to try his luck and the same went with the magi of the Kou empire Judal who was excited to meet the leader of the most powerfull assasination organization, who was now mentioned by many as the Queen of Assasins.

Assasin of hearts (Yandere Muu Alexious x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now