Storm ahead.

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Muu had literally locked you up in the room you both shared and was acting like a warchdog, all day every day... probably due to the fact that he missed the first time you were pregnant and the birth of your son. Riku was a bit curious about why everyone seemed worried for you, he couldn't understand why but somehow he knew it was something good, if that wasn't enough his Fanali's blood had been taking action since he could move objects three times his size easily. Things were going to get a bit tough...

- Mama... look!!!

 He said as he gave you a small bouquette of flowers, they were a variety of colours and sizes. You smiled at that and took them from him, placing them right next to you. Riku climbed on the bed and looked at you and layed next to you, his pink eyes were glowing with happiness and if you had to guess so did yours. Soon Muu came in holding a plate with a variety of fruits and nuts.

- Oh, looks like we're all here. He said and Riku stood up and instantly went to his father's side.

- Papa!!! Papa!!! He said with a wide smile, giggling and stretching his arms towards Muu. 

- Hahaha... come here. He said, balancing the plate in one arm and taking Riku with the other. It was a heartwarming picture really, Muu and Riku together were adorable. 

- So what's the deal with this? You asked and pointed the plate.

- You need to eat healthy during your pregnancy and I am here to make sure of that. He said and you smirked.

- Just like you're here to make sure I don't leave this room. You said and Muu rolled his eyes before placing the plate on the bed, he was still holding Riku who was messing with his father's hair.

- We've talked about this.

- Muu, I'm an assasin... I can escape from here easily... besides who would want to harm me?

- How about twenty or thirty females that want to take your place at Muu's side? A familiar voice said and you looked at the door to see Luca with Leo.

- Hey guys! You said happily.

- Luca's right, there are many female's that would gladly kill you and your baby if it means getting Muu Alexius. 

- Need I remind you that I also have a metal vessel? You said and Muu's eyes widen in realization.

- I completely forgot! He said and looked over at your metal vessel.

- By the way, sister. Can you use full body djinn equip? Luca asked and you nodded.

- Yeah... Titus helped me a bit before I told everyone about my second pregnancy. You said and Muu sighed in relief.

- Don't tell me you plan to use your metal vessel in case you are given a mission? Leo asked and Muu gave stared at you clearly expecting a "no" as an answer. Too bad for him, as leader of the assasins you had a lot of duties and the missions you received were usually extremely important.

- Yes, if everything else fails. You said and Leo, snapped.

- Wait, wait, wait.... you've got to be joking (Name). You are P-R-E-G-N-A-N-T, you are NOT going on any missions. Naga can handle it.

- You can't change my mind.

- Okay then, Luca go bring a chain. She's staying in bed one way or another. Leo said and Luca actually left.

- Hey!!! Not fair! Three against one!!

- I protect Mama!!! Riku suddenly said and stood up, holding his wooden sword in the air... that changed the whole mood as everyone burst out laughing... he was so adorable.

- Looks like I have the strongerst warrior in the world by my side. You said jokingly and you saw Riku smile and blush.

- I am!! I am!! He said and Muu wrapped his arm around his son bringing him closer.

- Yeah, you sure are. None of us can say that and change everyone's mood. He said and you nodded, Luca came back with the chain and Leo smiled.

- Now to chain you up-

- You're seriously going to chain me to a bed?!!! You said shocked and Leo gave you a death glare.

- If we don't then you'll definetely run away and accept a mission from the elders. 

- I... I... Ugh!!! Fine, I'll not go into any missions until I give birth... happy?!

- Yeah. All three of them said and you pouted.

- An assasin's fate is to fight in darkness...

- And a mother's duty is to be by her children. Luca said and you fell on the bed, suddenly Riku hadned you a few chestnuts and you began eating with your son and Muu. Leo and Luca left to tell Naga of this. You began thinking how funny it was that you had become so many things in such little time... you were leader of the assasins, wife of Muu Alexius, a caring mother and a metal vessel user.

- Why don't you sleep a bit? I know you were doing your papperwork until a few minutes ago. Muu said and you nodded. You slowly laid back and Riku did as well, he was full and ready to take a nap. Muu stayed next to you and took your arm in his, you gave him a warm smile and closed your eyes. 

  Meanwhile in the Kou empire, the first prince was getting agitated. Nobles from Kou were getting killed and papperwork kept coming, reports about their illegal actions and their connections to the black market came to the light

- Brother En, we received informations that assasins were seen near the house of the latest murder. It seems that they might be responsible or at the very least know who's behind that.

- Tell me Koumei, what do you make of the way the nobles were killed? Kouen asked and Koumei, who was sitting quietly up to this point became stiff.

- These nobles were killed in a very gruessome manner, an assasin wouldn't waste time trying to make the victim look dead... according to a spy we have in Reim, the leader of the assasins (Name) (Last Name) isn't active due to her pregnancy... if she hasn't given orders for the assasins here to do the kill, we can assume they are either too late to kill their target or simple viewers. 

- Then we're dealing with a serial killer? Kouha asked.

- Most likely. Kouen said and Koumei fell in deep thoughts.

- What if we get her to find this killer and assasinate him? Or at least convince her to send a skilled assasin after this person? He finally said and Kouen hummed.

- Seems like a good idea... but we cannot be sure she'll accept. Kouha replied troubled.

- If she isn't behind this, I think she will. Koumei said and that convinced the both of them. You were going to have A LOT of work ahead of you... and it wasn't going to be easy at all.

Assasin of hearts (Yandere Muu Alexious x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now