One down, two left.

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As the days went by, the rumours became stronger. A fake man was accused, he was "tortured" but you did ask the people of the palace to be aware in case there were more like him. Nerva was loosing his mind, something that had the added bonus of people seeing him as a bad choice for the throne. Meanwhile the new concubine of the emperor had earned so much favor that people were talking about how wonderfull it'd be if she had a child, the emperor himself, had to agree. 

For that purpose alone, you received reports of the two spending time together so often, it was impossible to meet one without the other being nearby. 

- It seems everything is going according to plan but... why is she not pregnant yet? You wondered, one of your subordinates told you that the woman could bear children as sha had a son that was about a year old. Aside from that, Muu was doing well with his mission, doing exactly what you had ordered, obeying every command given to him, even when he hated it. 

- It seems he'll be done sooner than expected. Are you happy? Your mother said and you hummed, you weren't sure what to expect. Muu was talented... he had the skills but lacked knowledge which was good for you. 

- I don't know mother. If he succeeds, he'll be forgiven... but I can't be sure he won't kill people because of his jealousy again.

- (Name), you married that man. You said that you loved him, you said you'd accept him... but you're not really doing it.

- Mother, I've been doing everything in my power to show him that he is the only man I could ever love so much. I told him many, many times that I loved him, that our family meant the world to me... and then he goes behind my back and does this. How can you expect me to forgive that?

- (Name), envy is a dangerous feeling, Muu was obsessed with you from the very beginning. We all knew it, I told you that you had to accept him and you tried to do so... perhaps, forgiving him for his actions is the best way to ensure that he won't go on a rampage.

- Mother, this isn't something so simple!

- I know, however, you do love the man. You cannot deny it, just like I cannot deny that I fear him more than I fear the emperor of Reim or any other royal we've met so far.

You sighed, this was getting you nowhere... it was true that you loved Muu, even after he had done something so terrible, you couldn't deny that you loved the man. He had accepted every part of you and loved every aspect of your personality... but you hadn't done the same... it was so difficult to accept a man that was willing to kill so many people due to his jealousy. Perhaps... the problem wasn't Muu, perhaps the problem was your view on things. You were an assasin, someone who killed people daily, people who were filthy, horrible and cruel... Muu might have seen the same traits to the people he killed.

- I can only promise to try and understand his way of thinking.

- It might be for the best, not only for you but for your children as well.  She said and you nodded. Suddenly, a female assasin came and informed you that the woman you had sent was seen by a doctor and was presumed pregnant. Though it was too early to tell, the doctor was one that was trusted by the royal family, so you yourself decided to wait and see.

- Then do we procceed with the plan? Your mother asked and you shook your head.

- I want to be certain that she is indeed pregnant, sent a few of our own doctors. They had been able to confirm if a woman of our ranks was pregnant within three days. If they say the same as the royal doctor, then Nerva will be killed immediately. Have some of our best assasins ready to execute him, we cannot waste time... especially now that the public views Nerva as a disaster for the empire.

- They will suspect the poor woman though. 

- No mother, we will leave proof that the one behind the assasination was a stray assasin. Everything to convince the public that she is innocent, we will turn their eyes on us this time. 

At your words your mother smiled and left to deliver the orders. Leaning back to your chair, you sighed and smiled, with Nerva out of the picture... things would be easier for everybody. After that, all you had to do is wait until the time was right to assasinate the emperor.   

Meanwhile, Muu was waiting patiently for Luca and Naga to tell him the name of his next target. It was a tiring job, he had to admit that much after experiencing it first hand. He began understanding why you would at times ignore him... doing all this and desk work was too much. He looked at the sky, smilling at the thought of you and his children. In the end, he didn't use his children... he loved them too much to see them as tools and so he focused on making his bond with them stronger... especially out of fear that another mind would try to get close to them and slowly move to you.  He couldn't risk making you angry, he didn't want to force himself on you either, that's not how love works, he wanted you to willingly come back to his embrace and accept all the love that he had for you, just like before... and even though he wouldn't allow someone to come between you and him, he would have to avoid killing them... or at least make his rukh not show his malice after he had done.

- Just a bit more... and we will be a family again.

Assasin of hearts (Yandere Muu Alexious x Reader)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon