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The days you and Muu spent away from the capital, with only your children and a hanfull of servants was a bliss. But all good things must end and so after seven weeks of doing nothing but relax, you returned to the capital. It was a good thing too as there were reports about nobles who were filthier than a human mind can comprehent. Merchants who mistreated slaves to the point where they were to the brink of death... however this is where you threw the Fanalis Corps a bone, if there were Fanalis slaves, you informed Muu and told him of the horrors some merchant did always making sure to point out that one cruel bastard could learn from another and if that got out of control, Reim's reputation and dignity would be destroyed completely. It took half a day to put to jail those merchants and while Muu took the Fanalis in his team, you took the rest of the slaves and made them assasins.

- I must say, you are one sneaky woman. Naga said and you smiled.

- It is all done for the sake of our future. Anyway, to more important matters. 

- Such as?

- I heard about that ridiculous plot to kidnap me and take me to a noble in Heliohapt. 

- It's true, the bastard's sneaky and lustfull. He took one look at you and decided you're the woman of his life.

- He can take those ideas in hell. You said and wrote a letter to Luca, he had taken control over there and was always ready to do whatever you ordered.

- Then I take it, you and Muu are going to spend another night full of passion while I babysit and spoil over my niece and nefew?

- No, besides me and Muu spent a ton of nights when we were away.

- Why am I not surpised?

- Oh please! Like you haven't fallen for princess Kogyouku of the Kou empire. You even asked her on a date.

- It wasn't a date! I just saw how sad she was and wanted to cheer her up, she might be the only girl in Kou who's brain fanctions properly.

- You do realize you are making it clear you favor her a lot, right?

- Oh so you don't favor the magi of Kou?

- No, not really. 

- Liar.

- I prefer our magi.

- Our former magi or our current magi?

- Both.

- I see, well Titus does seem to depend on you a lot, lately.

- Well, he knows my backstory and despite the fact that he forgave Muu and the Fanalis Corps for the horrible things they said about him... it's still clear he is in pain. The loss he feels is familiar to mine. 

- So he's not holding it against Muu but he hasn't gotten over everything completely?

- It's not easy, you know. You said and handed Naga the letter, he smiled and left only to reappear five minutes looking awfully pale, his eyes showed terror and he was trembling, the letter still in his hand.

- They're gone....

- Who's gone? You asked and Naga gulped.

- Riku and Cora are gone! He said and you stood there, looking at him like an idiot before you stormed out of your office and ran over to your bedroom where you had left both of them, you kicked the door open only to see no one there, you began throwing away the furniture, looking for clues, panic took over as you fell on the ground, your kids were missing and you had no idea who took them and where they took them. Tears fell down to the floor as you broke down, Naga ordered that every single assasin in the village searches for Riku and Cora at once, he also sent assasins to the palace to inform Muu and Titus while he tried his best to calm you down.

- I cant... Naga I... I...

- Snap out of it! You have to join the search! We must find and them and kill whoever was stupid enough to take them and think he could escape. He said and you took a lot of deep breaths, trying to clear your mind... you shakily stood up and turned to face your brother.

- I will skin alive the one who dared to take my children away from me. You hissed and run out your house with Naga tailing after you, you began running towards a spot you believed few would suspect, your old village. Ever since Muu and his allies had entered it, it had been abandoned and seemed like something of a nightmare, thic mist, half destroyed houses, quiet all around the area... you began searching each house, making sure to be completely silent. You finally entered the council's old meeting hat, there you came across a small piece of white fabric, you took in your hands and sniffed it. The scent was familiar, you didn't know where but you had met the person who was here. You looked around a bit more, suddenly something caught your attention, it was a small piece of gold, it must had belonged to a necklace or some other accessory. 

- Sister! Naga shouted and you went outside. He was holding the corpse of a man who looked like he was hit in the head with something heavy. You came closer and inspected the corpse.

- He's from Heliohapt... which means that whoever took my children plans on getting them there.

- I'm not so sure,why would they come here if that was the case? 

- I don't know... but what matters now is finding them... 

- Sister... what do you think killed him? There are no stab wounds in the head... and his neck is broken...

- Are you suspecting Riku put up a fight and won? You asked and Naga nodded.

- He's half Fanalis, his kick should be lethal despite him being a child.

- If that's the case, I must find them before anyone else does. You said and run off to the night, scanning everything you came into contact with while making sure to stop and listen to everything around you, as you moved around you heard the crack of branch and looked upwards, there stood Riku with Cora in his arms looking down at you scared.

- M-Mom? He asked weakly but then the branch broke, you leaped forward and grabbed them both before landing on your feet, you held them both close, tears of relief falling down as you looked at them.

- You're okay! Oh thank God! You're okay... you're both okay.

- Mom! Riku said as he began to cry in your arms, Cora only looked at you both before she raised both of her little arms trying to get you both, giggling as she did so.

- You were so brave Riku, you saved yourself and your sister. You should be proud. Naga said as he knelt down and looked at them.

- He said we were going to meet our new dad... he said we were going to a home bigger than ours. Riku said and you looked at him with a frown.

- The man who kidnapped you? You asked and he shook his head.

- He said he was our new older brother. He said and pointed at the dark forest beyond the old village.

- Naga, I'm going to the palace. Infrom Muu and search everywhere, this village, the port, the capital... I'll inform the rest of our allies in all the kingdoms... this is not going to end until I have the head of the idiot who started it all. You said as you stood up, you both left the village and parted midway, each to do their part. This wasn't going to end without blood, you had made that much clear.

Assasin of hearts (Yandere Muu Alexious x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now