The Assasination P.t1

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For the past two days Gyouken had been extremely... attentive to Naga, at least that's what he told you. You had seen what remained of the former emperor for a few brief seconds and it made you feel sick. And that woman would go to him and pat his hand as if it was nothing, she would smile without a care in the world... and then she would go to Naga and attempt to get him to join her, despite his respectfull and charming act he had been refusing her, claiming that unless you joined he would remain like this. You sighed... you had to act quickly, time was running out and you had to do something quickly. You looked at your metal vesself, your had the djinn of vengeance, Farhat and Naga had the djinn of faith, Ahatum. The two of you had split up and conquered the dungeons, you had come across another magi, his name was Yunan... he helped you both, however he didn't stay long. He said he had a visitor and had to go... where to, that was another mystery but that wasn't the end of it, when he looked at you, his eyes sparked and you knew that look... Muu had the exact same look every time his eyes met yours, those had been the eyes of a person in love. Naga had seen it too... and he couldn't stop talking about it.

- He's the type of guy you need, he is kind and powerfull. Handsome and wise and above all... he isn't a psycopath.

- In case you're forgetting dear brother, I'm a married woman. 

- With a son. Luca suddenly interrupted, both of you jumped and looked behind.

- Oh dear lord, don't do that again Luca! Naga scolded him and you sighed.

- Any news? You asked and he sighed.

- No, our scouts at Magnostaudt haven't reported something. Alhtough I can't say the same about Muu. Luca said and brought out a letter, curious you took it and saw what it wrote... it seemed Muu had asked of some of the spies in Kou to find you and keep an eye on you. You frowned at that, it seems war had expanded far more than you originally thought.

- Have someone find those spies... I want every assasin ready, at the first sign of suspect you knock them out and interogate them. You replied and Luca nodded before dissapearing, seconds after he did so, Gyouken appeared. You both bowed respectfully and you purposely wrapped your arms around Naga's, he looked at you and then rolled his eyes.

- Oh my, what a nice surprise. She said, you noticed a change on her mood... as if she had achieved something.

- Is there something worth celebrating, your highness? You asked, suddenly a member of Al Thamen appeared, his face covered but even so you could tell he was not here for something pleasant.

- Your highness, what is your command as the new emperor? He asked and your eyes widen in horror, SHE was the new emperor? HOW?!

- For now nothing, by the way Naga... would you please join me? I want to give you something. She said and your nerves were on the verge of snapping, what was she up to now? Naga nodded and the two of them left, you noticed how Gyouken pressed herself on him... ohhhh lord, she was going to take the next step... and you had to wonder what Naga would do. A thought crossed you then, what would Myron think if she knew of this? Then again, you still had a hope she and Lo'lo would hook up... these seemed like a married couple already, besides there were moments where she secretely blushed when he was involved.

- I just hope things turn out well. You mumbled, you felt someone's gaze on you. It was that man from Al Thamen, your eyes caught something shining from inside his sleeve... a knife! Before he could react you brought one of your daggers out and chopped off his arm, he was about to shout when you used a hidden blade to slit his throat from both sides, killing him instantly. He fell on the ground, his face still covered but the blood pooled around him. You took him and handed him over to your allies, they would get rid of him. You then followed Gyouken and Naga, while hidden you managed to see Gyouken's sudden change of behavior, she was being rather forward with her intentions. You really couldn't stand and so you told a few more assasins to watch over them while you went back to your headquarters in Kou.  The entry to the village was a large cave, it led underground and had access to clean water than run through the entire village, there was a large grove which the sun fully embraced, crops were there and the houses were built inside the cave, they were simply perfect. You moved to the house you'd stay until the mission was over, a few women from your village had been looking after Riku. When he saw you he smilled and run towards you, hands stretched out asking you to pick him up.

- Mama!!! Mama!!! He said over and over happily, you embraced him and he giggled as he began playing with your face, you stood up with him in your arms and dismissed the women who had been watching over him.

- How is my boy today?! You said and tickled him, he laughed and looked at you with a smile.

- Papa? He asked and looked at the door, he was only a year old but he could walk... a bit and he could say a few words too. 

- Your papa is busy, would you like to play with mama? You asked, some might think you sounded stupid but you couldn't care less, your son was your world and no harm would come near him as long as you lived... which depending on Gyouken's openings would either come sooner or later.

Assasin of hearts (Yandere Muu Alexious x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now