Chapter 3: Weirdo

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Its been 4 days since I first met Crystal. We have been hanging out a lot at school. 

We sit with Haze and gang at lunch, Ace is also there but we barely talk. He's grown much closer to the boys.

 Haze and Crystal bicker all the time. They just need a light of a match and they go on about it for the entire day. He likes teasing her, but when she fires back a reply he gets offended. And the cycle goes on and on. Its actually entertaining to watch Crystal telling him off. 

Its Friday today, and I'm currently sitting in my Trig. class which is also the last one for the day. Crystal is in her P.E class. 

I have completed my pop quiz ages ago and am waiting for the bell to ring. Soon I hear the bell and run out of the class. Finally, the weekend. 

As I'm putting away my stuff in my locker, someone's voice startles me. 

"Hey, Hazel." it's Jackson Miller from my Bio class. 

"Hi Jackson." I say still putting my books in the locker. 

"Are you done, or shall I wait for some more hours?" he says sarcastically. 

" yeah just a minute." What's the deal with this guy. Jackson is a sweet boy. He is a lady's man but he can be annoying sometimes. 

"yeah, I'm done." I turn to face him.

"So how are you?" he asks while walking toward the exit door. "

"Fantastic! What about you?"  

"I'm Great. How's everything going?" he asks again. What's going on? 

"Jackson It will be really helpful if you stop beating around the bush and get to the point" He's getting on my nerves now.

"Yes, of course, I'm throwing a Back to school party at my place tonight and I was wondering if you'd come?" 

A party? hmmm... I've not been to one since Phoebe left and its been ages since I last danced.

 "You can get your friends." He offers. 

"What time?" I inquire, now paying attention to him. 

"7:30..." he informs. "Soo I take that as a yes?"... 

"Yeah I'll be there..."

"Great... I'll wait for you." I nod as he smiles at me and walks away. 

I head back to our car and see Ace leaning against it. He is laughing his ass off about something. As I get closer I hear Haze and Crystal arguing about something. 

They both didn't seem to notice me as they kept rambling about god knows what. By now Ace was literally having a fit. 

 A small smile forms on my lips as I take in his heavenly featutres. 

"You know what you're just as pathetic as that stupid game." Crystal shouts.

"Says the person who hit me in the face with a dodgeball." wait what

I myself chuckle at the last part 

"What's up with these two?" I look at Ace when he has recovered from his fit.

"They had P.E together in the last period and coach made them play dodgeball. They both were in different teams. Crys hit Haze in the face to knock him down." he explains and starts laughing again. 

"That's my girl." I say laughing too. 

"Oh thank god you're here." She throws her arms in the air as she notices me. 

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