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**READ BEFORE STARTING PLEASE- The way these characters are portrayed are not how i view them. I'm only using their characters/ personalities for the purpose of the story and nothing else! This is not based on the MCU.  This story takes place in the future, where the incident already happened, but most of the chapters will be in the past to show you what happened/ everything leading up to it.  I will let you all know when the time changes. 

This story also is a 18+ story, this story contains

-drug use
-depression (not coping in a good way)

I will post TW in the beginning of the chapter and i will specify so you won't be caught off guard.

this is my second story, and if you haven't already, check out my other Bucky fanfic called Forgotten after or before you read this one.

I upload once a day, or once every other day. it depends on how busy i am. Feel free to leave comments, questions or anything you have to say. I will always read them and i will answer any questions you have :)

i do use photos to show the chapter/ how i imagined some of the chapter so you all can get a better understanding/ visual. i do not own any of the photos, they are all from Pinterest and belong to those who've made them! I also use quotes and i don't own any of them,  they are all from google and the rights go to those who made them! 

All characters belong to Marvel, except Farah Hart.



It Happened That Summer ~ Bucky BarnesWhere stories live. Discover now