Chapter 22

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Smut warning ;)

"It is both a blessing and a curse to feel everything so very deeply."

8 years ago...

5 weeks until graduation...

"Did you find a dress yet?"

Farah nodded, "I have, Bucky. You're going to love it."

"Can I see it?"


Bucky laughed, "I show you my suit and you show me your dress?"

"No, so stop asking." Farah said as she made up her bed.

"I can believe Rick let you have the house."

Farah smiled, "I know. He's always been like a second father to me."

Bucky shifted on his feet, "Are you inviting your family to your graduation?"

Farah shrugged as she fluffed her pillows, "Not sure."

"What time are we leaving out?" He asked.

"In a minute. Let me find a bikini." Farah said as she walked over to her dresser.

"With these cops off of our asses, we can finally have a pool party." Bucky said as he looked at her vanity.

"I know. They kept asking us the same questions like it was going to change anything." Farah turned to Bucky, "It's been months and nothing. I don't want to be one of those people...but isn't it time to end it?"

Bucky looked up to her, "No, I understand. I wish they would end it too. You know, they never told us how they found out he died."

Farah grabbed her back pack and shoved her bikini in there, "I heard that a dog sniffed him out and then the owner called the police and they found his body. Apparently, someone buried him alive."

"Sick. That's so fucking sick." Bucky said.

"I know. I also find it weird that his parents never had a funeral... a chance to say goodbye." Farah said as she added more things in her bag.

"They wanted the killer to be found before they had one. I can ask tomorrow if they are thinking of having one before graduation." Bucky said as he put on his shoes.

"I heard that some people wanted to throw a memorial for him at graduation. I think that'll be nice. Give people some closure, I guess." Farah said as she zipped up her bag and slid on her white shoes.

"Yeah. I'll ask just in case."

"Okay... do you think this outfit is good for lunch?" Farah asked.

Bucky let out a low laugh, "Farah, you're wearing a white plain shirt with blue jeans and white shoes.... Your outfit is fine."

"Is it my hair? I tried to put it in a bun because I always have it down, but I never do my hair so I tried. Does it look bad. I know it looks bad, I should just take it out-"

"You look beautiful. Your bun looks good and your outfit looks amazing." Bucky said, cutting her off.

Farah smiled, "Thank you."

It Happened That Summer ~ Bucky BarnesWhere stories live. Discover now