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Hi everyone! 

I wanted to make an extra chapter just for a little explanation / some more context. 

When I first started this story, I did not plan for Bucky to die. I actually planned a nice ending for them, but as I was writing it, I felt like it would make sense if he died. 

I think it made sense because for Farah's whole life she always felt so alone and felt like she could take the world... alone. 

So I felt like her ending up alone was kind of a sick way of proving she could conquer the world by herself. 

I had this idea for a while and I feel as if this was the best I could do. I was also really busy while writing this so I am sorry if things didn't plan the way you wished. I make these stories for fun and I love seeing you guys interact with them. 

As some of you know, this is my second story and my first one is about to hit 28k I think?! Which is absolutely insane! So if anyone came from Forgotten- I LOVE YOU! and if you didn't, go read it RN! 

But, as for my next story.... I hate to disappoint- mainly because I'm a huge people pleaser(It's the Pisces in me LOL)- but  I am not sure if I will do another story. I am currently writing a story that has nothing to do with Marvel or anything from the MCU and it's one that I'm kind of making up day by day. I don't know if I'll post that one but I only wrote one chapter so far and in the future, if I feel like the story is the way I like, I might upload it onto here. 

As for a MCU story, I currently do not have any ideas. If you guys would like to leave request for a story, I can try to write one but I don't want to guarantee anything. 

So, if this is the last time I write on here I want to say a few things. 

1. Thank you all for you endless support on both of my story's and know that I appreciate all of you. 

2. Thank you for constantly giving me motivation to write for you all. 

and 3. Thank you guys for giving me so much happiness. I don't think  I have ever been happier than I was while writing and uploading these chapters. 

So now that's over, I hope you guys have an amazing day and know that I'm proud of you regardless of what you're going through. 

Just because I'm not wring a story right now, doesn't mean I wont be on here. If you ever need to talk, PLEASE reach out. I will be glad to talk to anyone of you. 

I hope you enjoyed  'It Happened That Summer'! Love you all so much <333

-jada ;p

It Happened That Summer ~ Bucky BarnesWhere stories live. Discover now